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A Medley of Tips for a Successful Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

I know we’re all thrilled that break is finally here… but spring semester will sneak up on you before you know it!!! Here are a few tips to keep in mind during your time off to help you mentally prepare for next term, so you can be as successful as you can be!

1. Look into this To-Do List App that comes in clutch: Any.Do

This app is a lifesaver. Any.Do is a free app for both iPhone and Android that lets you separate your tasks into four different lists, entitled: Today, Tomorrow, Upcoming, and Someday. Whatever you don’t finish “Today” automatically gets rolled over to the next day. With the reminder alarm feature, you are certain to check things off your to-do list in an efficient, timely fashion (if Netflix doesn’t get in the way, that is)… can I get an amen?

2. Purchase E-Textbooks.

If you have a laptop or tablet that allows you to download e-book versions of your textbooks, DO IT. Search feature, anyone? Not to mention, e-books are a lot easier to carry around than a bulky textbook. Bonus: they’re usually much cheaper, too.

3. Create a coffee budget.

If you’re like most coffee-drinking college students, you probably consume enough coffee in a day to ensure “healthy” levels of caffeine are constantly running through your veins. It can be all too easy to spend astronomical amounts of money at campus coffee shops… a Starbucks here, a Moxie Java there… Next semester, show your bank account some love and set a monthly budget for coffee to avoid this college student conundrum.

4. Find a mentor.

One thing that college students don’t take advantage of enough is their ability to leverage their position as students. Professionals are generally willing to help college kids out. Find a professor or a professional in your field of study and ask to job shadow them. Any opportunity you have to learn about what your profession will be like in the “real world” is extremely valuable.  

5. Reawaken your passion (academically).

Working hard on something you love shouldn’t even feel like work. Take winter break to revitalize your passion for yourstides so you can focus on your work with renewed energy next semester!

6. Designate library hours.

Block a few hours out of your week to isolate yourself in the library, or wherever your favorite study spot is, with your work, a coffee as needed (refer to number 3), and ZERO distractions. Stick to those same hours each week. You’ll get in the habit of getting your work done at a certain time for each of your classes which helps prevent procrastination and keeps you on top of things!

I'm a junior at Boise State University studying Communication and Public Relations. I love trying new things and meeting new people! Follow me on Twitter @KaitlynHannah92.