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How to: Update your Spring Wardrobe with Hukkster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

The end of winter is in sight, which means… spring collections are here! Dresses are out and the colors are bright. Cute outfits like this one from J. Crew are calling our names.

Wait a second…it costs how much??? A pricetag over $300 is beyond the scope of most collegiate budgets, but never fear… Hukkster is here! 

Hukkster.com is a nifty little website aimed at saving us some serious dough. How does it work, you ask? Start by signing up for an account with Hukkster (don’t worry, it’s totally free!) and get the “hukk it” button on your bookmark bar. Next, go wild and check out your favorite clothing sites. Once you find some clothing you like press the “hukk it” button and voila! The clothing item will go to your hukkster account and you’ll be notified by email when it goes on sale. How cool is that?

What else does this nifty little site have to offer? Well, you can organize your clothing picks into categories, like “shoes” or “shirts.” If you’re feeling more creative, you can create categories based on your buying priorities. When you “hukk” clothes, you can decide at what sale point you want hukkster to email you. That means if you’re only willing to buy it for half-off, hukkster will only email you when it’s half off! Hukkster is the ultimate tool to update your spring wardrobe affordably. Go for it, collegiettes, and let the spring shopping begin! 

Madison is a freshman at Boise State University majoring in political science with a minor in french. In her spare time she enjoys adventuring and of course writing for HerCampus Boise State.