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DIY: 5 Gifts for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

It’s here!

The holidays have finally arrived… which means amazing food, quality time with family, and most importantly, presents! But who has the money to buy all those gifts for mom, dad, siblings, friends, cousins… not to mention your significant other. The list goes on and on! We’re college students! We’re on a budget! #BrokeCollegeLife is the harsh reality for many of us. That is why this holiday season, we’ve come up with a quick and simple DIY (Do it Yourself!) gift guide so you can save money while still giving heartfelt presents to all of the special people in your life. 

1. Chocolate Chip Cookies

You will need:

  • Festive Wrapping Paper
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Pringles Can
  • Cookies (try my favorite recipe)

Everyone loves tasty treats! For this project, you will first have to eat a can of Pringles. I know, that is a really difficult task. Once the can is empty, clean it with some dish soap and water. Make sure you don’t get the outside wet. Let it dry and wrap the outside with some pretty paper. Once you have taped everything together, put the cookies inside and tie with the ribbon as shown above. Then, decorate to your hearts content!

Pro Tip: you can spice up this gift by substituting your favorite cookie recipe or layering different types of cookies inside!

2. Cupcakes

You will need:

  • Clear plastic bags
  • 9 oz clear tumbler cups
  • Ribbon
  • Cupcakes (try my favorite recipe)

This gift looks adorable and is super easy to make! The best part is that since the cupcakes are in a travel-safe cup, they won’t get squished! All you need to do for this DIY gift is put the cupcake in the cup and put your wrapping/decorating skills to the test!

Pro Tip: add a tag on the ribbon for more personalization. If you don’t have time to bake cupcakes, buy them from the store. It can be our little secret. 

3. Bath Salts

You will need:

  • 8 oz jars (like Mason or Kerr)
  • Ribbon
  • 10-15 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 1 cup of salt (I like to mix equal parts Epsom Salt and Sea Salt)
  • Dried lavender for decoration (optional)

The directions for this one are pretty simple: just throw the oil and the salt into a bowl and mix! Make sure to mix thoroughly, then add the dried lavender. Fill each of your jars and wrap with ribbon. Add a cute, decorative tag with instructions for use: mix about 2 ounces, or one quarter of the jar, into running water for a delightful lavender-scented bath. 

Pro Tip: try substituting lavender for peppermint for a holiday theme. Do not add food coloring to the salts to color them (they stain the tub, and you!). Instead add a few drops of cosmetic-grade soap, if you wish.

4. Decorative Cups

You will need:

  • Sharpie
  • Porcelain Mug (make sure it has a glossy finish)
  • Ribbon

This is my favorite DIY gifts of them all! This project can also be used for cool graduation presents or birthday gifts. It’s very simple. Draw any design on your clean mug and then bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. They get really hot, so let them cool before you touch them. I have noticed that this project works best with mugs with a glossy finish rather than a matte finish. When I make these, I wrap them similarly to the cupcakes and put little candies inside the cup.

Pro Tip: Sharpie sometimes wears off after a while. If you want a super long-lasting design, try using a Pebeo Marker instead.

5. Hot Chocolate Spoons

You will need:

  • 12 oz of chocolate (dark, milk or white)
  • Wooden spoons
  • Plastic baggies
  • Parchment paper

I absolutely love this project because when you finish, you can enjoy real hot chocolate, rather than the packaged powered stuff. This project is a little bit more complicated, but I’m sure you can handle it. You will want to use a double boiler to melt 10 oz of your chocolate, while stirring constantly. Once completely melted, remove from heat and add the remaining 2 oz of chocolate. Dip the spoon into the chocolate (I try to get a lot on there!) and place on the parchment paper. Decorate with coconut, M&Ms, or anything else you can think of. Let the chocolate harden in the refrigerator for an hour or so. Then, as usual, bag up! To use the spoons, swirl them in a cup of steamed milk for instant hot chocolate gratification.

Pro Tip: if you don’t want to use a double boiler or don’t have access to one, microwave the chocolate in increments of 10 seconds, mixing in between.

These are just a few easy DIY gifts that I have made in the past which make excellent holiday presents. If you need more inspiration, there is always Pinterest! 


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Perry Truong

Boise State

Perry Truong, you can call him Per-Bear, is a freshman here at Boise State, studying Marketing. He is from a small town in southern Washington near the Portland area. On campus, you may see him pigging out at the BRC or longboarding around the greenbelt, but no matter where you see him, there will be a smile on his face.Favorite quote: Don't let the plan get in the way of the journey.