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A Collegiette’s Guide to the Spring Career Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

So you went to broncomail, and you have an email. You don’t know what it is yet, because all you see is the one on the right side of the page telling you so. You’re wondering what it is, do you have a package? Did a teacher cancel class? Are you past due on a payment? You’re on the edge of your seat, and you click. It loads, and bam. You see, “Spring Career Fair: February 24” in the subject field. Let’s be honest, you’re underwhelmed. So you proceed to close the window, and go on with your day, but I am going to tell you why you should go back, and reread the email.

At your fingertips is an opportunity. You are a student amongst many on campus, you are involved in greek life, or a sport. You may be a freshmen, but regardless, College does not last forever. You may have four or five years left, but once it is over you are one in a pool of a much larger population looking for jobs. That is why it is important to decide what type of life you want to live. The first question you must ask yourself is how you define success. Do you want to live a small, minimalistic life being a business owner? Or do you want to work for a large corporate company, and live in the big city? It’s not as black and white as I make it seem, but you need to define your own happiness, and decide what you want to do with your undergraduate degree because everyone has one. What are you going to do differently with yours? So I urge you to go to the career fair because there are multiple representatives from different companies looking to meet you, and explore how you could be a possible asset.

DO look professional.

Don’t look as though you’re going to a school dance, but choose something you would want to meet your significant other’s parents in or perhaps something you’d wear to church. Wear something you feel confident in because confidence is key to a first impression. Neutral colors such as black or brown are always good choices. Guys, many of us truly do adore your long hair and perfectly curated beard, but please make sure you look clean cut when meeting potential future employers. 

DO bring your school ID so you can attend.

This is self-explanatory. If it’s not, please return to the email you glanced over and re-read it.  

DO NOT bring your cell phone in.

Snap you in your dapper outfit beforehand if you must, but it really can wait during the fair. This career fair could open a significant amount of opportunities to your future, so it’s important that you do give it your full attention.  

DO prepare a current resume of your achievements.

Bring multiple copies and attach a business card to each, if you have one. Be sure to keep the paper clean, preferably in a folder or clear sheet protecting it from possible coffee stains. Hazelnut smells good, just not on your resume. 

DO come early.

Being fashionably late does not count in the world of business.

Last minute tips…

Talk to a representative the way you would talk to your boss because they could be in the near future. Be polite, say please and thank you. Make direct eye contact, and give a firm handshake while you do so. It is important to show you have the ability to be professional. Smile, and be relatable, making conversation as you do so because it is important that the recruiter sees you as a genuine person. Short and sweet is alway good, but make sure to leave an impression because at the end of the day, there are going to be meeting many students, and they wanna know “why you? Why would you be a good attribute to the company?” If there is a specific company you have in mind, research the companies going to be making an appearance at the fair, and show your knowledge in a subtle way.

Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor.

My name is Kennedy Farrell, and I am from Southern California. I am currently a student at Boise State University studying English with a minor Political Science. I am an Alpha Gam, and strong believer in faith, coffee, and love.