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Boise State’s GBF: Your Gay Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.
Welcome to the new HC official guide on all things gay-related. Yes, this will be a weekly post (hopefully). No, it will not be filled with rainbows and sunshine– at least not all the time.
This series is intended to be about serious problems within the gay community and to clear up any false stereotypes. All topics are fair game, and nothing will be spared– this is all from real experience. Keep in mind, however, that these are the perspectives of ONE gay boy. There are many different views and different beliefs in the world. Here is just one.
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Perry Truong. I am currently a freshman at Boise State University, originally from a small town in Washington. I have always been involved in my community– wherever I am. People describe me as outgoing, skinny, smart, fashionable, and gay. I first came out to someone in 2010 and I have been open about it since the summer of 2013. 
Now, I know I said nothing would be spared… but let’s ease our way into this. This week, I’ll tackle a light-hearted subject: taking your gay best friend shopping. Here is what you need to know. 
1. There is no problem with wanting to take your GBF shopping, but taking him shopping because he’s gay is another issue. All gay guys are not equally fashionable (like myself ;)). 
2. Know what you’re getting into. Your GBF will have no qualms telling you your but does NOT look good in those jeans you found at the thrift store. Do us all a favor and upgrade to Nordstrom’s, please!!! And those shoes??? They’re down-right disgusting. No, they are not cute. Not with that outfit. 
3. Gays have endurance. More than that, though: not only do we want to look good, we also want a good deal. We can be at the mall for four hours and still be ready for more.
4. PLEASE do not ask us to try on that “totally cute dress that would look super fabulous.” First of all, don’t say fabulous. And secondly, I’m gay– not a girl. 
Email perrytruong@boisestate.edu for any questions on GBF shopping (or another topic) that you want answered. Until next week.
Peace out– Perry.


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Perry Truong

Boise State

Perry Truong, you can call him Per-Bear, is a freshman here at Boise State, studying Marketing. He is from a small town in southern Washington near the Portland area. On campus, you may see him pigging out at the BRC or longboarding around the greenbelt, but no matter where you see him, there will be a smile on his face.Favorite quote: Don't let the plan get in the way of the journey.
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Katie Meikle

Boise State

Katie Meikle, also known as Meeks, Meikle or Pumpkin, is a junior and transfer student from Tufts University in Boston, currently studying health sciences at Boise State. Although a Boise native, Katie spent her entire high school career overseas, split between Japan and Taiwan. Katie's writing interests include fashion, healthy eating, mixology, and campus cuties... of course! She loves the great outdoors, traveling, her two dogs, Lexi and Hobbs, days at the beach, walks on sunny days, and her mom's cooking. Favorite quote: don't be a drag, just be a queen.