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According to Collegiettes: Top 5 Places to Study on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

Work, work, work. Chances are, you already have a couple of preferred study spots on or around campus. But sometimes, a change of scenery is in order! Here are the top 5 preferred study spots on campus, according to Boise State collegiettes.

1. Dorms/Room

The most common place to study is where you sleep. According to one student, “I study best in my room, on the floor. The library is too busy and the top floor is too quiet.”

The dorms (or your room) allow for quiet time with just enough background noise to keep you from feeling like you’re in a morgue.

2. Library

But we all know some of the hazards that come along with dorm existence… if only those walls could talk. Make an attempt at Albertsons library. There are rooms available specifically for studying, with some privacy so you can work in peace.


Monday – Thursday: 7 am – midnight

Friday: 7 am – 7 pm

Saturday: 10 am – 7 pm

Sunday: 10 am – midnight

Finals week: 24 hours

3. Student Union Building (SUB)

The social butterflies amongst us struggle to study alone. Fortunately, there is the Student Union Building.  The SUB has places to sit and relax either in a booth, table, or by the windows… so you can look outside and daydream if you are so inclined. Music and television (on constantly) provide you a stimulating environment. Subway, Chick-fil-A, C-Store, and Moxie Java are close by if you need a quick snack or study break.

Regular hours:

Monday – Friday: 6 am – 10 pm

Saturday – Sunday: 7 am – 10 pm

4. Interactive Learning Center (ILC)

If you’re on the flip side of campus, check out the Interactive Learning Center (or the ILC).  There is a big area with booths and tables inside, as well as more secluded areas on the upper floors. You can enjoy study time outside in nice weather (not at present, FYI).  There is also an abundance of snack food here such as Panda Express, Grille Works, C-store, Einstein’s Bagels, and Papa John’s. The ILC is located across from the Education building and behind the Mathematics and Geoscience building. 

5. Outside

If none of these options work for you, try the Quad. There are plenty of benches and tables outside for this purpose. Sometimes, it helps your study habits to get a little bit of fresh air, and you’re bound to see a friendly familiar face from time to time.