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5 Reasons Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

It’s that time of year again! A time for gift-giving and spending time with those you love! There’s snow on the ground, a (spiked) hot cocoa in hand… I know what you’re thinking: it’s the perfect setting for a romantic evening sleigh-ride with my… oh wait. No boyfriend. Guess I’ll just stay home… Stop. Right. There.

Just because you’re single doesn’t mean this holiday season can’t be fun!

In fact, your holiday experience is going to be GREAT, I promise, for the following reasons:

1. There will be no stressing over a gift for your significant other. Let’s face it, a ridiculous amount of time and brainpower goes into deciding what to get a boyfriend for Christmas…

What do you get him, anyway? A T-shirt? Grilling equipment? Even if you do the whole “Oh, let’s not do gifts this year” thing, we all know you better come prepared with something small, just in case. But guess what? You don’t have to worry about that at all this year! Which brings us to number two…

2. You can save money on gifts.

While it may seem selfish to think about your wallet during the season of giving, it’s a genuine concern for many of us. We are college students, after all. Treat yourself to a couple peppermint lattes with the money you saved, and didn’t spend, on your boyfriend.

3. You have more time to spend with your family. You get to skip the awkward conversation deciding whose family to spend the holidays with. So just relax and enjoy the company and comfortability of yours!

4. You don’t have to spend time with HIS family. Meeting your significant other’s family can cause a lot of stress, especially during the holiday season when you have great-aunts and third-cousins crawling out of the woodworks to deal with, too.

One can only say “Hi, I’m X’s girlfriend, nice to meet you…” so many times before hitting the punch bowl.

5. You don’t have to fake… anything! I know you didn’t LOVE that fuzzy pink sweater with the heart-shaped elbow pads your (ex) boyfriend got you last year. His mom picked it out, am I right? No matter how many subtle hints you give… they never seem to figure out what you really want. Oh well.

I'm a junior at Boise State University studying Communication and Public Relations. I love trying new things and meeting new people! Follow me on Twitter @KaitlynHannah92.