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Why You Shouldn’t Complain That You’re Single!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

We have all seen the phrases all over Twitter or Facebook, “forever alone” or the ridiculous memes poking fun at the fact that you will never find a boyfriend. Ladies, wake up! You do not need a relationship to be happy! At our age being single is honestly the greatest thing ever and here’s why…

You get time all to yourself.  Being single means you finally have time to do what you want to do! If you want to lie in bed all day to watch Netflix, you can! If you want to spend some extra time at the gym getting that great workout, you can! You get to have your own time and get to do whatever you want without guilt.

You get to spend more time with your girlfriends. Finally, there’s more time to spend hanging out with your besties and doing what you all do best! We came to college to find our bridesmaids anyway, not our husbands.

You don’t have to choose between your friends or boyfriend. There is nothing more annoying than constantly having to split up your time evenly between your boyfriend and friends. When you are single, you have more time to concentrate on the people who will be there in the end most: your friends.

You can concentrate on working to improve yourself.  It is all about you! If you want to improve your health and overall image, you can do it your way. You can dye your hair however you want, wear clothes that make you feel and look good. If it makes you happy, then do it!

You don’t have to constantly worry about what your boyfriend is doing.  Instead of stressing yourself out about his exact actions, worrying when he will be home or who he is with, you can relax and only worry about yourself. There is nothing better than not having to worry about other people.

You don’t have someone constantly bugging you of what you are doing. Your phone won’t be blowing up anymore with texts repeatly asking, what are you doing?, who are you with?, when are you coming home?

Save some $$. When you are in a relationship, you are constantly shelling out money here and there for holidays, their birthdays, dinner, and other random things you have to spend money on. Being single means more money in the pocket for you.

You are literally a free woman. You can do whatever you want (legally speaking, that is). You are the boss of yourself. If you want to stay out all night, you can. If you want to talk to that cute boy at the bar, you can. If you want to just spend the day with your friends, you can. You make your own schedule and no one can tell you what you should do!

You learn to love yourself. Yes, it’s great to be loved by someone but it’s even better to love yourself. You should not have to depend on someone else to make you happy, you should make yourself happy by being you. The greatest thing in life is to be able to love yourself unconditionally, be happy with yourself, and to learn to be independent.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not bashing on being in relationship at all. But ladies, we need to accept our independence and be grateful for it because this is the perfect time to learn more about ourselves in a different way. Being single should never be looked at a negative way, it is a wonderful experience and trust the perfect guy will come soon but for now enjoy your time with yourself!

I am senior at Bloomsburg University with a major in Journalism and a minor in Anthropology! I am currently the president of Alpha Sigma Alpha which is a national sorority and I am a contributing writer for my university's newspaper the Voice. I am very involved with my sorority and the vast amount of community service we do every semester. When I am not busy with my sorority or with school work, I enjoy to work out, cook delicious healthy meals, play with my two cats Cash and Benny, and hang with my friends!
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.