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Why You Should Live Life at the End of Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

How many times have you caught yourself not going to and introducing yourself to that cute guy who’s sitting across from you at GODS? Or how many times have you stopped yourself from applying to that amazing internship in NYC because you thought you weren’t good enough? It’s something that we are all guilty of doing at least once in our lives and it’s something that we should try to stop. Putting limits on ourselves causes us to settle, and usually when we settle, we are left with lingering questions of “what-if’s” and “I wonder..” As my best friend always says “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” The moment you step out of that box you’ve been hiding in (probable with a container of Ben and Jerry’s in hand) your life begins. At this age, with no real ties and responsibilities, the word is yours. Be bold. Be brave. Be you. Don’t stop yourself from living life, because in the end life is absolutely too short. Who wants to look back at life and only think about the chances they didn’t take? Because who knows? That cute guy would just end up being your forever, or that NYC internship could land you your dream job post-graduation. So the next time you start to doubt yourself remember that you can do anything you put you mind to and ultimately you hold the key to your future.

Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!