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Why You Should Always Go Home for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

There are many things you could do over your generous winter break from school. It’s no secret that every college student goes stir crazy by week three but, being at home around these times is important. Years down the road, you’re going to be married, and have to pick between the two families. Whose family is going to get what holiday? Will you alternate? All those you don’t have to worry about too much now because for the holidays you should be with your own family. Yeah you spent 18 years at home, and what’s one Christmas away? I don’t know about you but I couldn’t handle the look on my mom’s face if I told her I wasn’t spending the holidays with my family. Any guardian is going to be a little crushed, they send you away to college in August with the occasional weekend home. In reality they hardly get to see you until December. your parents or guardians patiently await your arrival, even if all they’re excited to give you is your new socks and underwear. But hey, it’s the little things in life.

Not to mention, your siblings if you have them are affected too. If there are little siblings involved there’s a good chance they’re excited to see you. No matter how much they try to play it off, trust me. Spending time with your younger siblings when coming home is important, it ensures to them that you haven’t forgot about them while you’re away at school. Plus it’s easy to get them presents what younger sibling doesn’t like to rep their older siblings college?

Another part of your family if you’re  fortunate is your pets. Who doesn’t want to see their dog or car? Especially on the holidays when they get their presents and play with them for hours until it’s time to mooch for the dinner scraps from dad. Your pets are a crucial part of your life let’s face it. Don’t leave your cat, or dog hanging, they need your belly rubs, it’s vital.

Being home also is a time to reconnect with your friends from high school. Those friends that you maybe haven’t talked to in a few months but that’s okay because your friendship is so strong you’ll pick up right where you left off. These friends have things to catch you up on, and of course there’s got to be things you can update them on. It could be a cup or coffee at Panera, or a dinner at Chipotle ten or thirty minutes, seeing your high school friends will always being back those nostalgic memories you’ll hold on to forever.

Coming home, it may look different, things could be not what they used to be, or they can be just how you left them. Either way, there is always a reason to go home, whether it’s to give Dad a huge, Mom a kiss, an old friend the time of day, and of course the dog a belly rub nothing beats being home for the holidays.

 Philadelphia raised, Bloomsburg bred. Looking for my own personal Claude Grioux all while pursuing a degree in telecommunications. But here I am writng, I've always loved to write. Just like smiling, smilings my favorite. 
Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!