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When You Room With Your Best Friend…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Eight months ago, the college gods granted me a great roommate who quickly became my best friend. As not everyone is as fortunate as I am, I definitely feel for you. These are some things that I have found bring my roommate and I closer together instead of wanted to tear each other’s hair out. Coming straight from experience, these are some of the inevitabilities of rooming with your best friend…

  1. What is personal space? What’s mine is yours.
  2. Boyfriends really become another roommate to the point where you consider asking them to pay rent, but it’s okay because all this excessive amount of time together makes you inevitable friends.
  3. They become your #1 wing person. No matter the event, they are always there to back you up and take control when needed in those awkward social situations.
  4. They also become your shoulder to cry on and they are automatically forced into analyzing your latest breakup, because you will do the same for them when their day comes. 
  5. Weird but awesome routines are the norm. 
  6. If you get invited to a party, they are invited too; it’s a known fact around town.
  7. When buying food, you’re buying for two. You don’t even think twice about it.
  8. You always get a text when they are coming home because that is the #1 unspoken rule of being a roommate.
  9. The “can I borrow…” text is only out of courtesy because you already know the answer is an obvious yes.
  10. Judgment is never passed.
  11. Bodily functions are no longer embarrassing. In fact, they either go ignored, you just laugh at each other or you get into contests with one another. 
  12. You are never afraid to say what is on your mind. If something needs to be cleaned up, you can say it. Throwing everything out on the table and not being afraid to hurt each other’s feelings is probably what makes the arrangement work out best. 
  13. You two just seem to always be on the same page. If one of you is like, Hey, want to get drunk off wine tonight? the other already has the bottle opener.
  14. The best moments are those when you are both absolute messes. 
  15. You love coming home each day and hearing their meaningless and stupid stories because you always find them hilarious and interesting.
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.