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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

The question “What is Your Name?” may not be a big deal to some. You may have the luxury of not having to think twice, while others do. Not being able to identify with your legal given name can cause a person to feel trapped. Being called a name everyday that you wish not to hear can be detrimental to one’s mental health.


In the Fall of 2018, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania enforced a new policy that I believe is remarkable, and all institutions such as Universities, and Careers/Jobs should adopt. The policy is entitled the Preferred Name Policy [PRP 4901]. The PRP policy is a great way to accommodate individuals that would like to be called by a different first or middle name rather than their legal given name. A student can fill out the PRP request form and return it to the Dean of Students office. By requesting a preferred name at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania the following changes would be made for student’s:

  • Online
    • Bolt
    • MyHusky
    • Email
  • University Diploma
  • Identification Cards
  • Rosters for living spaces and classes

Changing your name legally can be costly. Some individuals may lack the resources to obtain a name change. Or they may be apart of an unsupportive environment that will not allow them to follow through with one. Whatever the reason, Universities and Careers should be able to adapt to someone’s needs in any given environment. Careers/jobs tend to have identification cards or name tags, online rosters, and email usernames, just as Universities. This policy is important for the mental health of people that are non gender-conforming and/or transgender. The transgender community faces the highest rates of suicide. This policy is extremely important because it is a small step that can make all of the difference.    Everyone should be given the opportunity to express themselves and to be treated fairly, and that is what the PRP is arranged to do. To seek better, more positive, and supported environments in hopes to bring the suicide rates down.


It is time to open our arms and welcome everyone as the human being they are, no matter their gender. The PRP is just one step towards that goal…

For more information about the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania’s PRP policy visit: https://intranet.bloomu.edu/policies_procedures/4901

Hey there! My name is Jasmine. I am a first-generation college student with a double major in Communication Studies and Sociology at Bloomsburg University (Class 2020). I am on the exec board for the Her Campus BloomU chapter as the Social Media Director. I am also a Community Assistant on campus. In the near future, after completing school I hope to become a Child Welfare Worker. My favorite quote: "You can't have unity without diversity."
My name is Emily Andrusko and I am the Campus Correspondent here for the BloomU Chapter. I am a senior and a Marketing major at Bloomsburg University. I love eating chipotle burritos and binging FRIENDS! This club is perfect for you if you believe in inspiring young women!