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Updating Your Wardrobe from BU Senior to Business Professional

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

As college seniors we will soon be entering the work force and it’s a scary and exciting thought! However, our uniform of yoga pants, sweatshirts and crop tops won’t translate into the office environment many of us will be moving into after graduation. But business professional attire can be tricky to buy. You have to be contentious of your body type, colors and the fit of the clothing. Staple pieces that can go with anything will be essential to your wardrobe once you enter the work force. Here are seom staple pieces every soon-to-be working woman must have in her closet.

The white button up. While simple this staple piece is also elegant and classy, not to mention will match anything you pair it with. 

The Blazer. Although available in many colors, when it comes to interviews stick with black, navy or grey. You want to look professional and give the proper impression. If you want that hint of color, try a colorful top underneath and keep the jacket a subdued hue.

The dress pants.Black or grey dress pants are signature pieces when it comes to business attire. Remember keep it simple and elegant. Pair it with that white button up and you have yourself a complete outfit. Simple and affordable, what more could you ask for on a college budget? 

The shoe.Depending on preference, sensible heels and flats are essential to a working girl’s wardrobe. I recommend both. By having both options wear the heel and put the flats in your working tote and when your feet start to hurt switch it out to your flats.

The working tote. Presentation is everything. When going to career fairs, networking receptions, and interviews you will want something presentable to carry your resume, portfolio, business cards and maybe even your flats in. A working tote is perfect for all of this. It looks just like a purse but has a bunch of compartments for a laptop, tablet, cell phone, and just about anything else. It will keep you organized and ready to go when you kill it at that next job interview. 

The Business Suit. Having one of these in your closet is certainly helpful because its one complete outfit and you can pair the white button up underneath, along with some heels, grab the working tote, and you’re out the door. Having one “go to” suit is never a bad thing. They can get pricey so that is why it can be optional, but if you can splurge then I say shop til’ you drop!

Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.