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So, You’re Graduating…Now What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Finishing off your last semester of your undergraduate career can be daunting and when the senioritis kicks in, it can be a challenge to stay motivated. What exactly should be on your mind as graduation approaches? Well, here are some suggestions and helpful hints to get you through the next few months.

  1. Senioritis is just a state of mind. You have been working hard throughout your college years, so don’t let this last semester be any different than that. Take a moment and step back to look at all that you have accomplished thus far and let that motivate you to push through. Make this last semester count.


  2. Remember what makes your university great. Walk around town and eat at all your favorite places, grab a t-shirt from the bookstore, go out on a beautiful day and take some pictures, and remember all the things that made you love your school in the first place. It is so easy to get annoyed with all the little things that you have noticed about your school but take a step back and think of all the great things that make your school so special, after all you did just spend about four years there.


  3. Don’t get discouraged. Looking for jobs and figuring out what to do and where to live after graduation can sometimes be annoying and a struggle but if you keep an open mind, the possibilities are endless. Think about where you would like to live and if you would mind moving. There are positions all over the world if you widen your search for both jobs and locations.


  4. Create a portfolio. Whether it be on the computer or in print, creating a portfolio can help you tie together all the things you learned in class and connect it to what you might want to do after graduation. This portfolio can also help you in an interview. Show off some of the pieces you’ve written, projects and presentations you’re proud of, and don’t forget to add little tidbits throughout about what you learned from the learning experience.
  5. Make a list. With everything going on between classes and class work, hanging out with friends, work, and the planning for your future, things can get forgotten and dates can get confused. Take a moment to make a list and plan things out. You don’t have to schedule your whole life but it might be beneficial to plan things out and have a list of things you really must get done.


Aislinn is a graduate Public Relations student at Hofstra University. When she isn’t in class, she is working with the Hofstra University Writing Center, doing PR for Her Campus, and working at the Hofstra University Center for Academic Excellence. Her interests range from Harry Potter and chilling on the beach to gender equality and writing pedagogy.