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How You Know You’re a Second Semester Senior at Bloomsburg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

It’s finally here: the inevitable last semester of your college career at Bloomsburg University. There are so many different ways to tell that the partying, self-discovering, anxiety ridden journey has finally come to end and you’re just like wait, what?

You have talked about raging every night with your friends before the semester began but now you’re just like…

You’re on a first name basis with Barb from the Commons.

You can’t focus on anything anymore.

People ask you what kind of job you are planning to get after you graduate and you’re just like…

Everything you do is viewed as “My last time…” 

You start envisioning your boring life in the real world and what it might be like.

Your wedding board on Pinterest has become your new obsession.

You start to wonder what you are going to do with all of your cropped tops and high heels.

You have anxiety attacks about living far away from your best friends.

You should probably start working on your resume and arranging job interviews but you’re just like…

You feel like a stranger when you go out to house party’s because everyone is younger than you.

Your parents love to remind you that graduation is “ Just around the corner!”

Every time you go to Hardware Bar you hope it will be a different and new experience but it always ends up being exactly the same.

But don’t forget, this is the best time of our lives! Live every moment to it’s fullest because as much as we hate to admit it, May 10th is around the corner!