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How to Survive Homecoming Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

After weeks waiting, Homecoming Weekend is finally upon us! Thank goodness it only a few short days away! A day filled with football, tailgating, day drinking, alumni, and celebrating the crowning of the 2014 Homecoming King and Queen!

I am sure you all have been preparing all week for this Saturday and with HC Bloom’s help, we’ll give you a few tips for surviving homecoming! 

Get plenty of sleep. I know it is so tempting to go out all night on Friday but remember that’ll be exhausted when it’s time to get up Saturday morning. You won’t want to be the one who falls asleep by 1 p.m.

Our advice: Try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep and to limit the drinking Friday night. You are going to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day

Avoid liquor. Let’s face it…we all know that liquor and day drinking do not go well together! If you are going to bomb shots at 10 a.m., odds are you are going to be passed out by 2 p.m. and not remember anything at all.

Our advice: Stick to beer. It takes longer to go down and you’ll be able to stay up all day and continuously to drink (plus the hangover isn’t as bad).

Eat a well-balanced meal before you start your day. We suggest making some good ole scrambled eggs with some bacon and fruit – it will keep you pretty full so you can last all day. If you do not want to bother cooking anything that morning, make a quick trip to Bloomin Bagels! A delicious egg sandwich on a bagel is the perfect way to start homecoming morning.

Pace yourself. This one of the most important things to do in order to survive Homecoming. You do not have to finish every drink you have before 12 p.m. Pace yourself and you’ll have a much better time.

Pay attention to how many drinking games you participate in. In addition to pacing yourself, this is crucial. It’s easy to forget how many times you played flip cup but in the end the drinking games will be your downfall and you will find yourself asleep in a bush (we hope not!)

Our advice: For every two games that you play, take a break from the games and take a walk around. Your liver will thank you!

Drink water. Drink plenty of water the night before Homecoming and before you start drinking Saturday morning. If you feel yourself getting too intoxicated during the day, grab a bottle of water! I know no one wants to be that person but you are going to save yourself from blacking out and a bad hangover the next day!

Watch your surroundings. Bloomsburg police know about Homecoming so they will be on the watch for underages and big parties. If you are underage, be careful of what parties you go to on Saturday. If it’s really crowded, the odds of it getting busted are really high. Another thing is if you are underage do not carry alcohol or drink outside on porches around Bloomsburg. Cops can easily walk up to you and ask for your ID. So save yourself money and an underage by just being aware of your surroudings.

And last but not least, have fun! Besides Block Party, Homecoming is one of the best times of the years, so make the best of your day! This weekend is one of the most memorable events for me every single fall so drink, be merry but of course be safe!

Happy Homecoming, collegiettes! Go Huskies!

I am senior at Bloomsburg University with a major in Journalism and a minor in Anthropology! I am currently the president of Alpha Sigma Alpha which is a national sorority and I am a contributing writer for my university's newspaper the Voice. I am very involved with my sorority and the vast amount of community service we do every semester. When I am not busy with my sorority or with school work, I enjoy to work out, cook delicious healthy meals, play with my two cats Cash and Benny, and hang with my friends!
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.