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How To Start the Semester Off Organized

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Gone are the days of sleeping in and staying up late. Gone are the days of basking in the sun and having not a worry in the world. Fall semester is in full swing here at Bloomsburg University and the faces of despair flood campus at the thoughts of not only summer but also syllabus week officially being over. More often than not, throughout our younger years, organizing for school was deemed a simple task, keeping our lockers clean in high school was our biggest worry. But now immersed in the world of college with five classes, multiple clubs, roommates, being away from home, need I go on, organizing your life is no longer a simple walk in the park. We have lives to make for ourselves and the biggest step is right here, on this campus. Relieve some of the stress of your workload, or roommate troubles, and get organized with these must-haves for starting the school year right.


1. A Cute Agenda

Since most of us were used to having an “assignment book” throughout high school a personal agenda is a must have. A great option is the Bloom Daily Planner that the University Store carries. These are academic planners so they begin in August. The features these agendas and many others offer make it nearly impossible to be disorganized. With  sections such as class schedule, to do lists, notes, goals, and monthly views, these little notebooks will be your lifeline.


2. Sticky Notes, Sticky Notes, Sticky Notes

To keep sane, a lot of us need to be constantly making lists of things we need to get accomplished throughout the day, phone calls we need to make, future dates to remember, and budgets. Stick them wherever you will see them (agendas, inside computers). It’s a great feeling to cross off a task and watch your list diminish. You can also go the route of virtual sticky notes on your computer or phone!


3. A Set of Colored Pens

Most agendas, including the Bloom Daily Agenda, allow for the perfect space to record anything and everything you have to do. But with five classes (for some even more) and multiple clubs, it’s hard to keep them all straight. Before classes start, buy binders, folders, and notebooks for each class, color coordinating as you go. So where do the pens come into this? Each class gets its matching colored pen. When you write in your agenda, the homework you get assigned each day gets the corresponding color. The confusion of what times are due, in what class, as what time is significantly reduced.


Three simple items is all it takes to kick off the school year in an organized fashion all the while remaining stylish. Good luck to everyone this fall and may your rooms and lives forever stay as organized as your high school lockers.


My name is Blaire Barnhart and I am a Speech Pathology and Audiology student at Bloomsburg University. However, I've always had a passion for all things fashion and writing, of course! As I make my mark at Bloomsburg I hope to inspire others through my posts.
Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!