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HC’s Tips to Start the Semester off Right!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Bad habits are super easy to get stuck with so check out some of our tips to get the fall semester started off on the right foot!

  1. Get organized!

    Can’t find your syllabus underneath the pile of papers on your desk? Missed an assignment because you totally forgot to write it down? Get a planner and use it. Our advice is to get one designed for students with cute patterns or prints, like these Lilly Pulitzer ones, because you’re more inclined to use it if it’s adorable! And write down everything! Seriously. Even if it’s just a lunch date or a reminder to call Mom, getting in the habit of jotting things down is the best way to remember anything.

  2. Get friendly with your professors.

    We’re not saying you should be a teacher’s pet but it definitely helps to participate a little extra in the beginning of the semester. The more familiar you are with your professors, the easier it is to reach out to them for help. Plus, since so many classes take class participation into account for grading, getting in the groove of raising your hand will only help your GPA later on.

  3. Find a good study group.

    Especially in tough classes, finding classmates to study with can be crucial! But try to avoid getting together with your friends from down the hall or girls from your sorority. Choose classmates who won’t distract you from your real goal of studying. Find some people you are comfortable enough with to share ideas and learn from but avoid those you will eventually spend all your time just gossiping with.

  4. Make sure you have the right materials.

    At HC, we know how expensive textbooks and other resource materials can be. Though it’s gut-wrenching to see that total cost, try to get your hands on all your required materials. While it might seem cost-effective to share a textbook with a friend or roommate, we recommend owning your own copy because as the saying goes – out of sight, out of mind. Not having a book on hand when you actually need it will throw a wrench in your studying and your grades will most likely suffer.

  5. Don’t procrastinate!

    Syllabus week is the perfect time to catch up with old friends and enjoy being back in Bloomsburg. However, don’t neglect assignments just because they seem trivial or because you’d rather be out partying. Keeping up with readings and studying can be tedious and annoying but trust us — the more you ignore your work, the more it’s going to drown you later on. And then you’ll be more likely to just forgo the whole assignment altogether because it’s too daunting. So do your work on time – your GPA (and your sanity) will thank you for it!

  6. Take good notes — and keep them!

    Everyone knows that flashcards are a great study tool but they won’t do you much good when you make them the day before your final. Any time you take substantial notes in class, go home and make any type of study material you want – flow charts, abbreviated notes, PowerPoints, flashcards, timelines, etc. Keep them all together and review them every once in a while. That way you won’t be starting from scratch come finals week and you’ll already save time by having your references ready.

  7. Get involved.

    Check out the Activities Fair on Sunday, August 25 on the Schuylkill Lawn from 3-5pm or ask around with some of your friends to find some potential clubs, organizations, or teams you could join (cough, Her Campus!). Don’t stretch yourself too thin, of course, but it will definitely be a bummer when you send in a resume to a potential employer and the only things on there are your GPA and summer job. Plus, you’ll probably meet some cool people.

  8. Find a workout plan that works for you.

    Not everyone is a gym junkie but exercise is one of the best stress relievers. You don’t have to run a marathon or train for the Iron Man but just walking to class rather than taking the shuttle or playing some racquetball at the Rec could help take the edge off a rough day. Exercise should be fun, not dreadful, so if you’re not into running on the track – no worries! – find some other way to get active and let off some steam. 

  9. Check Her Campus daily!
    Last, and certainly not least, is to visit Her Campus BloomU everyday for everything from workout tips to diy projects to sorority advice to study playlists! Seriously, we’ve got it all and we’re happy to share it with HC readers.

Hope our tips, tricks, and advice will help all our collegiettes have an awesome, fun, and productive semester!

Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.