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HC Reviews: About Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Cast: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachael McAdams, Bill Nighy
Director: Richard Curtis

Leading lady Rachael McAdams did not let us down with her romantic comedy prowess.  Nor did her Irish counterpart, Domhnall Gleeson. (Some of you Harry Potter lovers may recognize Gleeson as the eldest Weasley brother.) The story follows Tim (Gleeson) on his quest to discover the ins and outs of love and family. On his twenty-first birthday, his father tells him that the men in his family have the ability to travel in time. And so begins his journey. While time jumps in movies always risk audience confusion, overall, the timeline remains relatively simple.

About Time is littered with witty, British humor and heartfelt moments. Unlike the tradition of films in this genre, the story does not revolve exclusively around Gleeson and McAdams’s characters. It is pleasantly family-oriented. Tim must make hard decisions with consideration to all of his relationships, especially his father.

At the end of the day, this film is sure to make you remember the perks to appreciating all the little moments in life. It’s a feel good romance perfect for the holidays.