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Fitness Friday: Transitioning Your Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

All together now, let’s admit it… you were working out all summer and using any spare moment to fit in a run, a swim in the pool, or a trip to the gym to fit in some reps. But if you are more like me, you spent your summer working more than sleeping and spending more time catching up on reading than reps of bicep curls. But now that the semester has started, cracking down on my workout schedule is the first thing on my fall to-do list.

Unless you have been attending summer classes, your entire schedule is going to change as the semester picks up again. That means fitting in workouts around classes, homework, and work. But don’t fret, you are not alone. Here are some tips to help you manage it and get back on track to working out.

  1. It takes two weeks until working out becomes habit. Keep in mind that it takes two weeks for your body and mind to get use to the new schedule and workout routine. So don’t give up before you really get into a rhythm!
  2. Figure out when is the best time to workout for you. Whether it is early in the morning, right before the gym closes, or between classes, find the time that works best for you.
  3. Don’t overdo it. Starting out strong can be a good thing, but you want to give your body time to adjust to working out. Try and start off easy, getting off the couch is a great start.
  4. Keep a log of your workouts. It is motivating to see how far you have come and how much stronger or faster you have become. Also, it motivates you to go to the gym if you see a gap in the dates. 
  5. Have realistic expectations. You are not going to be able to run a marathon or deadlift 100lbs after just a few trips to the gym… Keep on working, you’ll get there.
Aislinn is a graduate Public Relations student at Hofstra University. When she isn’t in class, she is working with the Hofstra University Writing Center, doing PR for Her Campus, and working at the Hofstra University Center for Academic Excellence. Her interests range from Harry Potter and chilling on the beach to gender equality and writing pedagogy.