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Enrique Josephs ‘14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Enrique Josephs ‘14

Hometown: Glen Mills, PA
Major: Mass Communications


Campus Activities: PA announcer, WBUQ radio DJ, BUTV host, National Broadcasting Society
Favorite professor at Bloomsburg: Dr. Genovese
Most embarrassing moment in class: I fell through a chair in Bakeless my freshman year.
Favorite study spot on campus: Any Kher Union conference room.
Favorite study spot off campus: My apartment.
Favorite Restaurant in Bloomsburg: Oliran Hibachi Steakhouse on route 11.
Dream job: Host a national radio show that caters to both sports and music.
Plans after graduation: Work in radio and work my way up to professional chain.

One or the Other

Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Football or basketball? Football
Friday or Saturday? Friday
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Beach or pool? Beach
Blonde or brunette? Brunette

Love Life

Relationship Status: Single
Favorite personality trait on a girl: Easy-going.
Favorite physical trait: Lips.
What was your first date like? I took this girl out on a boat in Philadelphia. It went really well.
Longest relationship: A year and a half.
Celebrity Crush: Valeria Orsini

Life Motto

“I do what I have to do so I can do what I want to do.”

Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.