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The Do’s and Don’ts of Block Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.
5 Do’s and Don’t’s of Block Party 
1. Stay Hydrated! Block Party is usually on a very warm day so it is important to keep fluids in you! Don’t be afraid to step aside and chug a water bottle, you’ll thank me later. 
2. Pace Yourself! Remember that Block Party is a marathon not a sprint, you do not want to be the first person at the finish line! 
3. Avoid Liquor! We all know liquor and day drinking don’t mix. Stick with beer and you’ll last a lot longer. 
4. Eat! Don’t screw yourself over by not eating. Most people think if they don’t eat they’ll get more drunk, quicker. Which is true, but you’ll also be the first onetime pass out. 
5. Sleep! Sounds bizarre but if the party starts to die down and you have to opportunity to nap, take it!! You won’t realize it but napping will help you enjoy the rest of your night!!
I am a 23 year old senior at Bloomsburg University. I am a Mass Communications major on the telecommunications track and with a concentration in Public Relations.
Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!