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Dear Sisters….

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Dear Sisters of DPhiE,

I never thought of myself as a sorority girl. I was an athlete ( well former lol.) I didn’t think I needed to have any part in that “world”. Well here I am a year and a half later… in this world. What changed that was meeting every single one of you. I didn’t think I needed 50 sisters, a big and little (soon to be little little), a dysfunctional pledge class and another home. But I did.

People always ask, “Why do you want to join a sorority?” Thinking about it now, it wasn’t the reasons I thought during Fall 2014. It wasn’t the thought of having letters, taking pictures or the amount of FRIENDS I’d gain. That doesn’t quite describe it enough. I can meet people whenever and find friends, but you can’t always find FAMILY. I joined to find that sisterhood that would be my family. A family that could fill the shoes of my own when I wasn’t with them. And it was every single one of you that became my genuine home away from home. Every personality blends so well together and creates a family unlike any other. I joined to find sisters who would help me raise awareness of life threatening diseases so a cure could be found. Making a difference in someone else’s life gives you a feeling like no other. And I joined a sorority to find sisters who would help me find my passions in life. Sisters that would push me to do literally anything I thought wasn’t possible.

Thank you for accepting me when I randomly say what I think, when I’m upset or annoyed, when I worry about everything or when I sit and eat a pack or four of Ramen noodles like it’s my job. You accept me for everything whether it’s good or bad and have built me up to the person I am today. You’re my shoulders to cry on, partners in crime, and future bridesmaids. You have been my biggest fans and I hope you know I’m always cheering you on too. Thank you for always standing by me even when I didn’t listen (which we all know is a lot) but it’s people like you who make this experience worth it.

I know I don’t say it nearly enough or express my love as much as I should, but you’ve given me more than I ever imagined possible. You have given me nothing less than an amazing time.



Megan is a junior at Bloomsburg pursuing a degree in Business Management. She is a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon, enjoys eating copious amounts of Ben and Jerry`s or Ramen noodles, is a huge Michigan football fan and loves watching her soaps. Follow her on Instagram @_meganfurey
Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!