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David McFadden ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

David McFadden ’15


Year: Senior ’15
Major: Business Management
Hometown: Allentown, Pa
Relationship Status: Taken
Activites: Ping Pong, Basketball, Hanging with friends
Favorite athlete: Stone Cold Steve Austen, Jerome Bettis, Mike Tyson

Her Campus: How would you describe yourself?
David McFadden: Tall, light skinned, laid back, and awkward.

HC: What are you involved in at Bloomsburg University?
DM: I play defensive end for the football team. I am also a part of the outstanding set-up crew that works at the Kehr Union.

HC: What keeps you motivated during the football season with how demanding and time-consuming it can be?
DM: What keeps me motivated are the actual football games on Saturdays. It’s a struggle juggling class, work, and practice during the week, but just thinking about the games I’d say is what motivates me the most.

HC: Who would you consider your role model?
DM: My mom. She is a saint to be able to put up with me for 22 years.

HC: What are some of the things you’re passionate about?
DM: I am passionate about Notre Dame football, Wednesday nights at Hardware, and succeeding in life.

HC: How do you maintain a healthy relationship with your girlfriend with such a hectic schedule?
DM: Whenever we both have free time we try to hang out. We designate some nights to be “our time” alone, like going out to dinner or just hanging out.

HC: Do you ever get overwhelmed with balancing all of your schoolwork, practices, and social life?
DM: Like I said before, it is a struggle. I try to delegate my time evenly between the three so I don’t miss any assignments, am able to get to practice on time, and still be able to play video games with my friends.

HC: Do you think you are going to pursue your football career in your future?
DM: No, most likely not, but maybe in the future I will help coach my future son’s flag football teams.

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?
DM: Living at my mom’s house. Hopefully have a full-time job.