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Campus Style Blog: Sarah Stover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.


How would you describe your style?
My style? Casual… it’s really very casual. Just plain. I don’t mean that in a bad way, but…. Cause I wear a lot of jeans with just cute tops. Yeah we’ll go with that. Simple, casual, and cute.

What’s your favorite store for these cute tops and jeans?

American Eagle or target. That’s where I buy most of my clothing from and its usually pretty cheap compared to some other stores like Hollister.

What do you look for in a swimsuit?

I like more than just the string bikini because I actually like to swim and I want the swimsuit to stay on, you know? Sometimes you’re just like “How is that staying on when they dive in?” I also stay with bright solids. Color is a lot of fun. A bathing suit should be fun- the beach, bright colors! I’m drawn more to solids, for some reason I don’t do a lot of patterns.

What might you wear to class? Tell me from head to toe what I would see.

If I have an 8am, my hair will be up and usually dry. If my hair is up, I usually wear stud earrings and if my hair is down, I’ll wear the danglies. I’ll sometimes wear danglies with my hair down. I wear my silver locket most days but some days I’ll wear a longer necklace that I just bought from AE. Usually a causal t-shirt like a BU shirt with jeans and flats or sneakers. I almost always wear jeans or leggings. I wore boots almost every day during the winter, with skinny jeans. I have tall tanish-gray boots, and brown and gray ankle boots.

What is your biggest fashion pet peeve?

I don’t like the belly shirts- I think it’s weird when it looks like they just cut the shirt short. I don’t like the leggings under the shorts thing. It just looks odd to me- I only saw it once though. I don’t know what my BIGGEST peeve is though. I don’t like when people wear things in the wrong size for them- in either size direction. I don’t like seeing too loose or too tight jeans and what that entails when the person picks something up.


My name is Rose Heil. I am a Junior secondary education and English major. I have already presented at one national conference last summer, and I am presenting at another conference in May of this year. I love reading and swing dancing.