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Best Photo Ops for Grads to Capture Memories & Achievements

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

As graduation is quickly approaching, graduating seniors want to capture every moment possible and have photos to remember some of the amazing times at Bloomsburg. Here are some suggestions to make sure your picture capture your achievements and memories!  

Here is a list of essential places, people, and poses for a successful photo opportunity…


  1. Old Dorm Building/Room
  2. Major Building
  3. Carver
  4. The Quad
  5. Current Housing
  6. Bloomsburg University Sign at Entrances
  7. Sorority/ Fraternity
  8. Sports Fields/Redmans Stadium


  1. Siblings
  2. Old CA’s
  3. Roommates
  4. Friends
  5. Sorority/Fraternity sisters & brothers
  6. Parents
  7. Favorite Professor

Poses:Every girl does the same type of pose, hand on the hip. Here are a few other options to spice things up:

  1. Arm & Arm (facing front or back)
  2. Sitting
  3. Standing sideways
  4. Back to back

Graduation is a Kodak moment and you definitely don’t want to miss the best photo ops of you, your friends and your gap and gown!