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Are You a Grateful Student or Aren’t You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Grateful, a term that seems to be almost unknown in college. Ungrateful, an action that hundreds of people practice every single day. From the moment you leave your house, your guardians miss you like crazy. They call you, text you, and facetime you on the reg. Be grateful, because, how luck are you to have a family that loves you so much. Your guardians are the number one thing you should be grateful for. Yeah they gave you life, I’m sure your mom has used that line on you once or twice but this goes beyond that. It’s the 6 am practices they drove you to that got you to the starting spot on your college’s team. It’s the endless amounts of laundry they did for you so you has clean clothes on your back everyday. It’s the random little, “I thought of you” presents you received so many times growing up. It’s the fact that they’re helping you with school, whether it’s tuition, food, room and board, someway somehow they are helping you. Take the time to think about how lucky you are, and how grateful you should be.


Be grateful for those at school who are there for you. We all have out own lives, out own shirt we’re dealing with. From midterms to papers to clubs and sports we all have our own thing. Therefore we are going to have issues, we’re going to have complaints, there will be tears, there will be screaming. Everyone has those days where you need to vent or rant. So, there before your eyes your roommate, or friend, or even significant other sits in front of you, putting aside what they had to do to help you. It doesn’t even have to be physically there too. It can be a text that you receive. A text checking on you, making sure you’re okay, or to check in how that test you had the other day went. They’re thinking of you. Be grateful. They are just as busy as you, and here they are with open arms pushing away their work for you, again, you are so lucky.


As for significant others, you should be grateful  for them everyday. College will test every relationship in your life, especially with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Yes there will be days where you two just don’t get along, but look at the bigger picture. This person is there to love you, to be there to help you with your work. Maybe they wrote an essay or you, or did your homework for you while you put your focus on another assignment. How lucky are you to have someone who puts you first? Be grateful. Always be grateful because it shows the people you surround yourself with that you know how much they’re doing for you. It makes those around you feel appreciated, and with Thanksgiving weeks away what better time than now to start practicing gratefulness. Take the time to say thank you it’ll be good karma.

 Philadelphia raised, Bloomsburg bred. Looking for my own personal Claude Grioux all while pursuing a degree in telecommunications. But here I am writng, I've always loved to write. Just like smiling, smilings my favorite. 
Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!