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7 Helpful Tips to Get Your Through Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Well, we survived midterms… but that was just halftime! And before we get to enjoy an amazing relaxing month of winter break, we have to get through our finals! Lucky for you, Her Campus Bloom has all the tips and advice you need to survive finals week!

Be organized. This week you should be writing down everything that needs to be done for finals week. If you have a calendar, write down all your final tests and times so you know exactly what is going on for next week. The key is to be completely organized because nothing is more stressful than not having your sh*t together.

Plan ahead. Another tip to survive finals week is to start planning ahead. Make a set schedule of when you are going to study for each test or when you are going to write that paper. For example: if you have a final on Thursday, I would start studying on Tuesday so that gives you two days of studying. The earlier to start planning, the better.

Be prepared. If you know you are going to be spending more than 5 hours in the library, be prepared. Make sure you have snacks, water, coffee, your charger and anything else you really need. I would pack an extra stack of note cards just in case and make sure your flex or husky gold has plenty of money so you can make some quick stops at Starbucks.

Find good study spots. Finding a nice quiet study area is key to making sure you are getting your work done. My advice is to find a cubby in the library preferably on the fourth floor because nothing will distract you more than being in group room with your friends messing around. If the library is completely packed like it usually is around this time, Dunkin Donuts, dorm study areas, and even the Bloomsburg Town Library are great alternatives. 

Take breaks. Nothing will make you more exhausted than staring at a computer screen for hours upon hours. Take a break once every hour, go for a walk, do some jumping jacks, go fool around with friends, do anything that will give your brain a break. A good 15-20 minute break is perfect to recharge your mind and keep you sane at the same time,

Utilize your resources. If you are stuck on writing a paper or just cannot figure out a math problem, use your resources! Bloomsburg has great assets such as the writing center, the librarians, scholarly articles search engines, you name it! The University also has tutors to help you study for that extra hard final. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If it is going to make a difference, just ask!

Breathe…it’s going to be alrightThe big thing to remember during finals week is that you have to just breathe and remember that you are going do well. Stay positive and know that everything is going be okay in the end. Finals is the not the end of the world, the more you stress, the worse you will do.

So good luck to everyone next week with finals and use these great tips and you will do great! Break is only a week away, you are almost there!

I am senior at Bloomsburg University with a major in Journalism and a minor in Anthropology! I am currently the president of Alpha Sigma Alpha which is a national sorority and I am a contributing writer for my university's newspaper the Voice. I am very involved with my sorority and the vast amount of community service we do every semester. When I am not busy with my sorority or with school work, I enjoy to work out, cook delicious healthy meals, play with my two cats Cash and Benny, and hang with my friends!
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.