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6 Simple Ways to Find Harmony in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

True happiness stems from the inside of a person. It comes largely from how you view yourself, not how the world views you. Although it’s not realistic to say that I wake up everyday feeling like the happiest girl in the world, but I can confidently say that my happy days outweigh my sad ones.  Everyone has the potential to do something amazing with their lives. Once we each experience that revelation, we are then able to make the changes necessary to see it through. Life is about balance: balancing school, work, fun, and time for yourself—to find yourself and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Because after all, how can you be truly happy with yourself if you don’t really know yourself? Harmony is the key to life. With balance, you will be able to truly understand yourself. While finding such harmony is a long and challenging journey, there are a few simple things that you can do everyday to make the expedition a little easier.

  1. Become a morning person. Being a morning person means waking up at 7:30 a.m. or earlier. Sleeping in is for the weekends. Let’s be honest, in the beginning — it’ll probably suck. But I promise once you make the transition, your life will become ten times easier. After a few weeks, it will become a routine and your body will thank you. The morning is quiet, sip a cup of coffee or tea and get things done ahead of schedule.
  2. Participate in physical activity at least 4 days a week. This is crucial. Exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals in the brain. To avoid boredom of the same old thing, I recommend changing it up. You can go to the gym, run outside, do some yoga, go for a hike… the list could go on and on. Find what works for you and dive in!
  3. Do not procrastinate! – Talk about a stress builder! Get things done early and give yourself ample time to complete assignments and meet deadlines in your life.
  4. Balance your relationships. This one’s a biggie. Boyfriends are great, and love is an amazing feeling — trust me, I know! However, it shouldn’t take up all of your time. It’s important to spend some time by yourself as well as with friends and family. Balance is key. When we don’t balance our relationships, we become stressed. Be your own person. Your dream guy may let you down, but you can always count on yourself, your friends, and your family.
  5. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy. This one’s my favorite! The body is made up of 70% water, so it’s important to replenish what your body uses most. If you’re not a big water person, try throwing some mint, lemon, or cucumber in your water for a refreshing treat. In terms of eating healthy, your body works best when you give it what it truly needs. Veggies and fruit are crucial, along with lean meats and whole grains. You’ll feel better when your body is happy, and you’ll look great too! It’s a win/win!
  6. Learn about yourself. What do you love to do? What do you hate to do? Spend time learning about yourself, because in reality, you are the only person in your life that you will have forever. Find a hobby, join a club, start a journal… figure out what you love, and go out and do it!