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6 Reasons Why You’re Actually Dating Your Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

As said in Grey’s Anatomy, “you’re my person.” Christina and Meredith share an inseparable bond, that not even their husbands can come between. We all have that one friends that we consider “our person” and it’s not our significant other. Females are wired the same when it comes down to it, we get each other and understand why we act the way we do sometimes. To men we’re these insane creatures who are too emotional to handle, so we cling to our person who clearly understands.

1. You’re constantly in touch – The two of you can’t stay away. You text her about your weird dream you had, even though it has no significance but tell her anyway just because you wanted to share it with someone. You got an A on the test you thought you bombed so of course you text her your good news immediately. Whether it’s a quick phone call to ask a question or a five text conversation between classes, you always know what the other is doing.

2. When you’re not in touch, you’re most likely together already — Need a lunch buddy? You already have one set in stone, every.single.day. No worries, you’ll never have to eat alone. Even if one of you already ate, you still go anyway just to keep company.

3. Shoulder to cry on — She knows what pisses you off and she knows what guy needs to be punched in the face when you come home sobbing from the bar. She doesn’t ask questions, she just hugs you until you calm down. She knows when you want to just be alone, but she’s the first person there when you want company.

4. Dance party partner — Just like Christina and Meredith when you’re ready for a dance party after a long week, she’s the first one to pour you a shot. She throws on your favorite T.Swift song and you both sing out at the top of your lungs.

5. Worst Influence — Although dance parties are so fun, you’ve finished a bottle of tequila between the two of you before you know it. You have a horrible influence on each other, but it’s what makes your nights together so fun. From the endless snapchat stories to the belly laughs and hangovers you’ll have in the morning.

6. Your go to — Last but not least, when boys are being dumb (and yes, I say boys) she’s your go too. She literally takes you on a date for drinks and apps. She’ll let you drown in your sorrows long enough, but tell you to buck up when necessary. She doesn’t hesitate to feed you the truth and to be honest she’s the only reason you’re still sane.

Make sure to never take “your person” for granted, because these people are truly one in a million. Hold onto them because it’ll become a friendship that will last a lifetime.

Hi, guys! I'm JB and I am Campus Correspondent for Her Campus BloomU!