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5 Thoughts You Have at the Rec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

There is so much going on at the Rec as soon as you walk through the doors that it can be overwhelming to try to take in the whole environment at once! After arriving at the Rec Center, I can’t help but notice a few things that normally cross my mind.

Deciding if renting a lock is necessary.This comes in handy when having valuables since you don’t have to worry about keeping track of them while exercising. On the other hand, dealing with the key can be a hassle. I locked myself out of a gym locker twice last semester, whoops!

How long did it take for them to look so toned?As a fellow gym lover I often ponder the secrets behind others success. Everyone exercises in their own unique way and in return it may take a longer or shorter amount of time for people to externally see the results of their workouts.

This equipment looks self-explanatory but…Certain exercise equipment appear so interesting but also bring a feeling of hesitation. You either try it out and won’t be able to adjust the functions correctly or have a difficult time figuring out what amount of resistance would be best. Usually this results in choosing not to use that particular machine in the future.

Realizing you were accidentally staring at someone.Unconsciously directing your gaze at someone around the room or admiring an individual’s workout from afar leads to the moment when you lock eyes and it hits you that you were staring at that person. Once it happens you mentally apologize.

Dress attire at the gym is very diverse.Regardless of the season you can take notice to individuals wearing tank tops, shorts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, yoga pants, tee shirts, or occasionally even more formal attire. Everyone has a different preference as to what they wear when working out.


Hello readers,     My name is Amanda Kesselring, but I prefer to be addressed as Kess. I am a Sophomore at Bloomsburg University pursing a Psychology Major, Concentration in Gerontology as well as a Spanish Minor. You can find me all throughout campus involved in a ton of activities and organizations such as being a Cadet in Bloomsburg's Army ROTC program, working as a Community Assistant in Schuylkill Hall, Planning events for the Developing Ambitious Students Leaders senior planning committee, writing articles for Her Campus Bloom U and of course studying for class. I love Bloomsburg University and will continue to make the most of my time here leading up to graduation. I strive to make the most out of life and seize all of the opportunities that I obtain. "The most important shot isn't the one you just made or will make next, rather it is the one that you have been preparing for."-Kess
Kathryn is a loquacious and driven senior at Bloomsburg University studying English. Journalism has been her focus for almost eight years and she's slightly excited but mostly petrified of exploring her career options in a few short months. She can be found roaming the halls of Bakeless, yelling into the abyss in BU's student newspaper The Voice's office or making pancakes for her roommates.Check out her personal blog and her study abroad blog.