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18 Signs That Tell You You’re at the Bloomsburg Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.
  1. Animals

From deer to dogs, ponies to pigs, horses to hens, you’re sure to see a wide range of animals.

  1. Animal Treats

Kind of like if you give a mouse a cookie, if there are animals at the fair, you’re going to need treats to go with them.

  1. Cool Cups

Those plastic souvenir cups that you used to try to convince your parents that you needed at amusement parks… yeah, they have those at the fair. Bendy straws, swirly designs, bright colors, those cups are worth the purchase. Plus, they’re convenient for a college dorm!

  1. “FRESH SQUUZED” signs

Lemonade and orangeade are a refreshing cool down drink after a night at the fair.

  1. Customized memorabilia

This one speaks for itself. Anything you can think of customizing, I’m sure you can find it at the Bloomsburg Fair.

  1. Fish

Trying to win a fish at the fair is one of the most entertaining activities, even if you don’t win. But if you do, keep in mind that you’ll have to bring it back to your college dorm!

  1. Pizza, pretzels, popcorn, pierogis, peanuts

The 5 P’s of yummy fair food!

  1. Jewelry, hats, accessories

Any color, size, style, or fit. You can get just about fashionable item.

  1. French Fries

Fresh cut fair fries, what could be better? Topping them off with cheese!

  1. Cotton Candy, Candy Apples, Apple Dumplings

It’s obvious how I worded these… In order of consumption! These sweet treats are a must.

  1. Tractors

John Deer green becomes a familiar color at the fair with the tractor display.

  1. Ice Cream

Hard or soft, waffle or cake cone, dipped in chocolate or topped with sprinkles. Ice cream is a go-to fair dessert.

  1. Deep fried food

This category can consist of anything, but some of the favorites are pickles, Oreo’s, and Twinkies.

  1. Camo anything

Shirts, hats, stuffed animals, blankets, house décor, the list goes on. You can most likely find anything in a camouflaged pattern.

  1. Belt buckles, cowboy hats, and boots

Every once in a while, you might get lucky and see a cute cowboy. I mean it is the Bloomsburg Fair.

  1. Salt water taffy

Usually a beachy treat, you can get almost any flavor right here in Bloomsburg. And being able to see them make it in front of you is a bonus.

  1. The rides

You can find a thrill ride like The Ring of Fire or Gravatron, or a calmer ride such as the Ferris Wheel or Ski Lift Sky Ride. Either way, there’ s sure to be a ride for everyone.

  1. And last but not least, the concerts.

Country or Rock and Roll, the concerts at the Bloomsburg Fair are sure to be one the best forms of entertainment.