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Campus Cutie: Sarah Miller

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Birmingham chapter.

Name? Sarah Miller

Course? Maths with psychology

Year? Third

Home Town? London

Relationship Status? Single

Current dream career? World leader

Favourite night out in Birmingham? Sports night, you get to dress up (and I love a bit of sports boys)

Favourite food? Ketchup ketchup ketchup

If you could be stuck on a desert island with anyone, who would you pick? The guy in the video of Little Dicky ‘Ex-Boyfriend’

If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would it be? My nectar card, I’ve earned a lot of points this year and you can’t exactly claim that back on the insurance

Do you have anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I’m quite boring aren’t I…oh I’m co-publicity for dance society.