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Ten Tips for Getting Through Binghamton Sorority Recruitment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

As the spring semester begins, there is excitement in the air for those involved in Binghamton’s Greek Life. Spring Panhellenic Recruitment is only a few weeks away, and although our school’s process isn’t as long as the infamous Alabama Rush Weeks, it doesn’t make it any less intense. Even though it feels like a century ago, I still remember how scary going through the sorority Rush process was. Everything from the outfit requirements, the crowded Mandela Room, the schedule releases, or even the excessively long Dunkin Donuts line. Since I feel like I experienced every emotion possible during my recruitment process, I understand why some girls shy away from it. But, don’t give up yet! I have some advice that will help you get through the weekend with a smile on your face and a bid card in your hand. 

1. Read up!

One of the things that scared me the most about joining Greek Life at Binghamton was the strange terms they would use when talking about sororities. A few weeks before recruitment, the Panhellenic Council releases a booklet to help the girls going through recruitment learn about the process. Read it! It contains basic information about the eight Panhellenic organizations at Binghamton, as well as their history and nicknames. It also will help you learn key terms like ‘Potential New Member’ (PNM) and Rho Gamma aka your Recruitment advisor. One of the most important things in your booklet will be the day breakdown and attire rules. This will help the PNM’s plan their outfits and have an idea of what’s going on each day. In other words, this booklet is your recruitment Bible- Learn it. Live it. Love it.

2. Don’t believe everything you hear

One of the biggest pitfalls of sorority recruitment is believing every positive or negative review about an organization. If your “friend’s sister’s roommate’s cousin” says that one sorority is weird or that they aren’t close, it doesn’t mean you have to believe it. How do you know that the anonymous post on Greek Rank saying that those women are boring is true? (1) Every org is amazing in its own way, and you shouldn’t pick your future sisterhood based on other people’s thoughts and opinions. Every sorority has great women, that are intelligent, hardworking and fun. Give each chapter a fair chance during this process, and you will truly reap the benefits.

3. Don’t go out during recruitment weekend

I don’t know how to stress this one enough. I know how much fun going to parties and bars are on the weekends, but these few days are going to be stressful enough without worrying about getting the stench of vodka out of your hair. Not to mention, sisters are looking at you extra closely this weekend, so why would you want to jeopardize that by acting out when drunk? You want to consistently put your best foot forward, and being tired from a wild night out downtown is not the best way to do that. You will have plenty of girls’ nights out after Bid Day.

4. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

  So many girls enter recruitment with one sorority in mind. While having hopes and aspirations for Spring Rush is great, you can’t rely on one organization to carry you through the process. No matter how close you are with the sisters, or how much you love their Tik Tok’s, you have to give every chapter a fair chance. Building off of that, it’s also crucial to remember that bid promising, the act of ensuring an entry into an organization before or during recruitment, goes against Panhellenic Recruitment rules (2). This policy means that even if a chapter has promised you a bid, it isn’t guaranteed you will get it. So even if you are sure what letters you will be wearing, give every organization a shot because you never know what might happen.

5. Trust your Rho Gamma

I might be a little biased since I have been one before, but I believe that Rho Gammas, also known as your Recruitment Advisors, are one of the most important parts of your formal recruitment process. Rho Gammas are sisters of different chapters that temporarily disaffiliate from their organizations to provide you with an experienced and impartial support system during this weekend. These women may be on the Panhellenic Council or regular members who are passionate about recruitment. They will help go over the recruitment rules with you, lead you to your rooms during the days, and eventually help you rank your choices. They are also who you go to when you are facing any difficult decisions or confusing situations during the weekend. The women on the recruitment team are extremely helpful and are a wonderful resource for you. Tell them anything and everything about your process and they will do everything to help you.

6. Give the process a chance

Picture this: you have come back on the second day of recruitment and open up the message that holds what organizations invited you back for today. You are shocked to see that your top three choices did not ask you to return. You are heartbroken and immediately go to drop out of recruitment. Stop. Take a breath and reevaluate. While the sorority Rush process is not perfect, there is a reason for everything. Maybe those chapters were not the right fit for you. Maybe they loved you but there are only so many spots. While it may seem agonizing, you have to remember that the chapters that did invite you back had to have seen something amazing in you, and it’s only right that you give them a chance as well. Go talk to those sisters that are excited to see you and forget about everything else. You still have the opportunity to find an amazing sisterhood, so don’t give up yet.

7. You are not the problem

One thing that hurt me the most during my own recruitment was thinking that every drop was a slight against me. I thought that every chapter that dropped me thought I was ugly, weird, dumb, etc. I now realize this is not how it works. The sisters are of course ranking you, but they aren’t being mean or cruel. When organizations are ranking you, they are looking to see how you exemplify their values, qualities and friendship. Just because they dropped you doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful and perfect, it means that you had different interests and lives.

8. Don’t let other PNM’s influence your decisions

It doesn’t matter if the PNM is your roommate, sister, or even the girl standing next to you on the bathroom line, your decisions are your own. What might work for one individual, might not work for you. Don’t let what other people say or do impact your Rush experience. Just because you are best friends with someone doesn’t mean you have the same interests, values or ideas. Friendships are built on differences. You are allowed to like different things and be in different sororities. You will still be friends with them, no matter the letters. I have many friends spread out across multiple organizations. We are all different and could have never worked in the same sisterhood, but I love them all the same.

9. Have the best Bid Day ever

After what may have been the most stressful weekend of your life, the day is finally here – Spring Bid Day. You’ll all open your bid cards, get your shirts and run home to your new sisters. It’s going to be amazing, so put on your favorite pair of pants and some cute shoes and get ready for pictures, gifts and the beginning of the best years ever. You are going to meet so many people, and it might be a little overwhelming, but everyone is feeling the same way. If you are feeling alone, find another new member who looks the same way and make your first friend.  Of course, there are going to be some people who are unhappy with their bid. If this is your friend, don’t let them bring you down. Make sure they are okay, and then go enjoy your Bid Day. If it’s you, take a moment to remember why you are here, and then give it a shot. This might have been the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

10. If it doesn’t work out, it’s okay

The line that is often said to stressed-out PNM’s during recruitment is “Trust the process.” But what happens when the process doesn’t work? Let’s say you get the dreaded no-bid call or decide during your Bid Day celebration or new member process that this chapter is not for you. The truth is, it’s going to be okay. If you decide to give sorority life another shot, you are more than welcome to go through recruitment the year after. Don’t lose hope, you will find the sisterhood you are waiting for eventually.  If this is the end of the road for you, that’s okay too. Greek life isn’t for everybody, but at least you gave it a shot and tried something out of your comfort zone. 

Overall, Binghamton’s sorority recruitment process can be stressful, but it can also be the most rewarding weekend of your life. Not to be cheesy, but if you put in the work, you can find your best friends, sisters and future bridesmaids. See you at recruitment!

Nicolette is a Junior at Binghamton University, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Global Studies. Other than serving as Editor In Chief for Her Campus at Binghamton, she is an opinions writer for Pipe Dream student newspaper, Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service for the Panhellenic Council, and is very active in her sorority. After graduation, Nicolette hopes to pursue a master's degree in Journalism.