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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

This type of notebok probably isn’t the one that you were excepting. As a true child of the 21st century, I prefer my notebook to be of the digital variety. This is partially because my handwritting is awful, partially because I can’t spell, and partially for the sake of organization.

Since this is my first semester here at Binghamton, next week marks my first ever college finals week. I’m still trying to figure out the best study method for me, but I’m trying out flashcards. Just the act of writing out the definitions to different terms helps me remember them, and flashcards make for easy self-testing when the time comes. 

Whelp, here we go to crunch time. May your coffee be caffinated, your breaks be frequent, and you scores be high. We’re all pulling for you. 

Elyssa is a freshman at Binghamton University from Scarsdale, New York. Her interests include writing, attending concerts, and pretending to be funny on social media. She is super excited to be involved with a publication that allows her to do two of those three thing. https://twitter.com/ElyssaDiamond
Binghamton Contributor