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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

It’s the one thing everyone warns you about when you commit to SUNY Binghamton- the endless winter. It feels like we live in depressing darkness for months on end and no matter how much we layer, we will never get the chill of the Binghamton wind out of our bones. Thankfully after two and a half winters here, I think I’ve finally figured out how to get through the season without frostbite.

The first thing you always want to remember is that you are never too cool for a heavy coat. For some reason when we were younger, not wearing a coat while everyone else was freezing was seen as some power statement. This isn’t true anymore. Everyone here understands that it’s just too cold to complain about your long coat not matching your outfit or taking up an extra seat in the lecture hall for your Canada Goose. Put on your coat and accessorize with gloves, hats, and scarves. Maybe even double up your socks if the weather app tells you it’s zero degrees out there. Nobody is going to make fun of you for staying warm.

Next, invest in some boots. The brand or style doesn’t really matter, as long as they are high enough to cover your ankles while walking in the snow. If you are a city kid like me, you’ve probably had a pair of Timberlands since middle school, so tuck your pants into your socks and wear them. Your Nike Blazers are just going to get dirty, there’s no point in trying to look stylish in these conditions.

Going out is just a part of the Binghamton lifestyle. Sadly, so is freezing. Cute going out tops are not built to protect you from the cold, and you are not immune to frostbite because you’ve taken a few shots. When going out downtown, bring a frat jacket or “Fracket”, even if you are just hitting up the State Street bars for a few hours. Double up your socks and wear long sleeves if you can. Mug Night at Tom and Marty’s isn’t worth a hospital trip.

If you live off-campus, don’t put your life in danger to make it to campus. While the city of Binghamton knows how to handle snow, their response time isn’t always convenient for your early classes. If the roads are bad or not plowed yet, don’t go! Email your professors and maybe remind them that a good grade isn’t worth your life. We live in an online world now, and switching class to zoom because of inclement weather conditions shouldn’t be looked down upon.

Lastly, treat yourself. With the bone-chilling weather and depressing, dark views from our windows, seasonal depression is common. When facing these strong emotions, it’s important to take a break. The Binghamton winter weather is the perfect opportunity to take some time to yourself. Drink some hot chocolate, put on fluffy socks, wrap yourself in a thick blanket, and binge-watch a Netflix original. It’s too cold to do anything, so stay in and relax.

Overall, once you get used to it, the winter here isn’t too bad. Just remember to bundle up, make good decisions and put yourself first. See you in the spring!

Nicolette is a Junior at Binghamton University, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Global Studies. Other than serving as Editor In Chief for Her Campus at Binghamton, she is an opinions writer for Pipe Dream student newspaper, Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service for the Panhellenic Council, and is very active in her sorority. After graduation, Nicolette hopes to pursue a master's degree in Journalism.