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How to: Survive an Overnight In Bartle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

It’s here. Finals week: the inevitable onslaught of brain-numbing exams a.k.a. the last hurdle separating us from sunny beaches and summer nights.

After realizing the impossibility of concentrating when your evil roommate (who is in SOM, therefore finished all finals last week) is partying it up in preparation for Bar Crawl, you make the great migration to Glenn G. Bartle. As the bi-annual pilgrimage to Bartle is at its peak, you find yourself fighting the hordes of students to claim a seat in the north reading room, the 4th floor, or anywhere in between. Once you’ve claimed your territory, you get settled in for what procrastination guarantees will be a long, long night.

As a seasoned veteran of the Bartle over-nighter, I offer you, Her Campus Binghamton’s guide to getting out alive (while looking halfway human).

*Disclaimer: While I do not promote last minute, night-before cramming, I will be the first to admit that my attention span is comparable to that of a goldfish. This is advice coming from a victim of hardcore procrastination.

Pack your essentials:

  • Make sure you have all your notes (or at least the ones you can’t re-print). Pens, highlighters, etc. iPods, laptops, and anything else you need to stay sane.
  • TOOTHBRUSH/mouthwash/wisp/gum/mint anything that you can use so your breath doesn’t smell like a garbage disposal when God forbid you see that hottie from your chem lab the next morning.
  • Hydrate: The vending machines downstairs really aren’t very reliable, since half the time they take exact change or are out-of-order. Grab a bottle from your room or keep a bottle handy for all-night hydration. Drinking cold water can help you stay awake. Continuously drinking can lead to multiple bathroom trips, which is why it is so important to have a watchman (read next). *BTW there is no way to get coffee on campus after hours. You have been warned.
  • Have a bathroom plan. I’ve heard too many stories about laptops being stolen in the time you leave for the bathroom. Either take it with you, or have an acquaintance or friend play watchman. My suitemate Skypes/iChats with her boyfriend and makes him keep watch.
  • Make sure you bring a snack in case you get hungry. I don’t know about you, but I cannot concentrate when my stomach insists on being fed. Apples and yogurt make for light snacks that won’t induce food comas. (Try to stay away from “comfort foods” because they may make you tired)
  • Dress appropriately: Beware, Bartle’s temperature drops dangerously close to freezing point at night. Dress appropriately and comfortably (but not enough so you’re falling asleep). Bring an extra layer just in case.
  • Set realistic goals. No one knows you better than you. Set intervals of study time appropriate for your attention span and work hard for that 10 minute break. This will help you from getting bored/tired from all that psychology 111 Prof. Merriweather wants to cram into her final.
  • DO NOT! take a nap. The risk of not waking up is not worth it. If anything, work efficiently and get to bed at least five hours before your final.

How to Look Human:

If you had to stay up all the way up to your final, here are some tips to look as human as possible.

  • Q-Tips: Use one to wipe away any smudged eye makeup from the night before.
  • Foundation/concealer: Use any foundation or concealer you have on hand and dab under you eyes to look more awake.
  • Blotting Paper: Perfect to remove any excess oil your t-zone accumulated overnight.
  • Mascara: Mascara helps to open your eyes, so reapply if you find it necessary.
  • Lipbalm: Apply lipbalm to avoid dull, flaking, sickly lips by applying a generous amount of your favorite balm. If your lipbalm is tinted (a reasonable shade) you can dab a bit on the apple of your cheeks to add some color to the zombie dead-ness of your sleep deprived skin.

Remember, I do not recommend cramming over-night before an exam and these are tips for what is hopefully a one time emergency over-nighter. Cramming before all your finals is not good for your health. I know it’s really hard but try to keep yourself from procrastinating (although we thank you for reading =) ), earn those 10 minutes of facebook with 50 minutes of hardcore physics and good luck on all your finals!

Lauren Howley is a junior at Binghamton University pursuing a double degreen in English/rhetoric and Marketing. Originally from Staten Island, New York, Lauren thinks that New York City is the most beautiful place in the world and hopes to one day live and work there. She was a staff writer for the Arts and Lifestyle section of the Binghamton PipeDream, where she spent her time writing about fashion and college life. Last summer, she spent her time researching honeymoon destinations and blogging about bridal trends as an intern for The Knot Weddings Magazine in New York City. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys laughing, hanging out with her friends, blasting music while she drives, applying movie quotes every situation possible, and drinking coffee like its her job. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in lifestyle journalism or entrepreneurship.