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How To: Make the Most of Your Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year! It’s all about spending time with family, friends, and eating good food! Although it is a short break, there is still so much you can do in that amount of time. So get out a pen and paper and jot down some of these ideas to make your break the most memorable!

– Spend Time with Family: Thanksgiving is all about spending time with family, so really make the most of the time you have with them during break.

Watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade: How can you not watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? It’s the best feeling in the world to wake up to delicious food cooking in the oven and show tunes playing while giant floats and balloons grace the television screen. If you are dedicated enough, make the trek to NYC and see the parade up close!

Watch Movies: Haven’t watched a good movie in a while? Or are you craving an all day Disney movie marathon? Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to chill out and watch some classic movies. Many professors are lenient about giving work during the Thanksgiving holiday so you’ll have so much free time!

Play Board Games: When you are around old friends and family, it brings you back to the days when you had no cares in the world and all you did was play and have fun. Why don’t you revert back to your childhood for a day and play your favorite board game! Monopoly, Clue, Life, Anyone?

– Catch up with Home Friends: Most schools don’t have breaks that match up during the year except for thanksgiving and Christmas, however, every school has off during this time, so really try to make the effort to catch up with your home friends you haven’t seen since the summer and reminisce about old memories.

– Shopping: As much as I love Binghamton’s scenic views, there is one thing that I would change- it’s the lack of good shopping. The Oakdale Mall and Vestal Parkway are just not cutting it. So while you’re home, make sure to do your Black Friday shopping at your favorite stores and get all your winter necessities, on sale!

– Go into NYC: The city is a great place to go during Thanksgiving break. There is so much to do! You can shop, go to a museum, see a Broadway show, the possibilities are endless! Being in the city during the holidays is the best and it’s an essential to go in during your break!

– Take Advantage of Food at Home: I know it’s hard to believe, but Sodexo food is not the finest of cuisines. So while you are home, besides stacking up on homemade delicious thanksgiving food, eat some of your favorite meals, because before you know it you’ll be back eating in Binghamton’s lovely dining halls.

– Sleep: Sleep makes you happy. Sleep makes you refreshed. Being happy and refreshed will make your Thanksgiving break very enjoyable. So make sure to catch up on enough zzz’s so you can make the most of your Thanksgiving break!

Melissa is a sophomore at Binghamton University. She is from Scarsdale, NY. She getting a dual degree in English Rhetoric and Human Development. She loves fashion, writing, and social media. Since joining the Her Campus she has interned at two magazines, CollegeFashionista.com and Paper Magazine in NYC. She currently is the Vice President of the sorority Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi. She is looking forward to making the next step in her HC journey from Staff Writer to Campus Correspondent.
Binghamton Contributor