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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. You finally get to free your favorite sweater and comfy pair of leggings from the depths of your closet, your weekends are filled with nature preserve and apple picking expeditions, and your instagram is overflowing with pictures of the leaves starting to turn. And then out of nowhere the fall-time bliss is broken; it isn’t all apple pies and chai tea lattes anymore. It somehow sneaks up on you every year even though you always swear next time you’ll be ready. It’s Halloween. But this time I promise you won’t be caught running around the weekend before only to find the last costume left is a sexy clown and it’s not even in your size. DIY Halloween costumes save you time, money, and wrinkle lines, which are scary, but in a bad way. Here is a guide to the funnest, easiest and most awesome DIY Halloween costumes this year.

“In the real world, Halloween is when kids dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.” (Miley must think Halloween is everyday!)

Miley Cyrus: You have a couple of options if you decide to go the Miley Cyrus route… *Warning: Miley is for those of you living strictly in Girl World*

Miley in Wrecking Ball:

For this option all you need is to loose your clothes and find a wrecking ball. JK. You’ll need:

            -A white Hanes tank top. You can get this basically anywhere; Kohl’s, Target or Walmart usually has them. Take a pair of scissors and crop the shirt, if you’re not             sure how to do this, YouTube is.

            -A pair of white spandex shorts would be a good alternative to white underwear if you want to be a bit more modest

            -Cute boots, combat boots would work well

            -Red lipstick-You can get the look using Revlon’s Color Stay Ultimate Suede Lipstick in Finale or really any bold red lipstick

            -And to top it off you can get a hammer from Walmart, Lowe’s, or any other store that sells tools!

Miley in We Can’t Stop:

This one is pretty much the same as Miley in Wrecking Ball (She’s just being Miley!):

            -A cropped white Hanes Tank Top or an alternative would be a top that says West Coast like she wears in the music video. Brandy    Melville sells a top called the Kate West Coast Tank that is pretty similar

            -White Spandex pants or leggings

            -White Converse sneakers or any fun sneakers will do

            -A teddy bear. You could glue, strings onto it and use as a backpack but if you don’t want to ruin your favorite teddy bear just carrying it around will do

            -A fun pair of sunglasses

            -An Eos since Miley uses one at the beginning of the music video (product placement anyone?)

Miley Before and After: This is great if you and a friend want to do costumes together! Whoever is the more modest one can do the before and as for the after you can take your pick of We Cant Stop Miley or Wrecking Ball Miley! What you need for the before:

            -Hopefully your friend has long brown hair but if not you can buy a cheap brown wig at any Halloween store or you can also do Hannah Montana as the before for a  real throwback!

            -For Miley all you need is a sundress and cowgirl boots and for Hannah Montana a lot of sparkly, a lot of colors and a lot of jewelry

Miley and Robin Thicke: If you don’t have a male friend to be Robin then there’s no shame in manning up (literally) and being him yourself!

            -Aviator Sunglasses

            -Lots of gel in your hair in an updo

            -A black suit with a white top (see if you can borrow from a male friend, if not black slacks and a white blouse should be good!

            -As for Miley all you need to get in addition to the basic Miley gear is a foam finger! For this you can just swing by the bookstore and pick one up! (Go Bearcats!)

So aside from Miley Cyrus there are in fact other DIY Halloween costumes. Yes I know, it seems weird, but at least then you don’t run the risk of being asked,  “Why are you dressed so scary?”

Hipster: This one is great if you already own a pair of hipster glasses and you probably have most of the other items in your closet! However, in that case, you might just be going as yourself…

            -Hipster glasses, borrow from a friend if you don’t have

            -A scarf is always a welcome hipster indicator

            -Anything vintage! There are tons of vintage shops downtown! Skinny jeans and sneakers are a hipster favorite

            -A sign that says mainstream crossed out

Slutty Pumpkin-In honor of How I Met Your Mother: If you don’t understand this reference, this costume isn’t for you. And if you do, this costume is going to be Legen-wait for it because it’s not Halloween yet but its going to be awesome when it is-ary! Legendary! High five!

            -This one is soooooo easy… Basically get a pumpkin costume or a tee with a pumpkin on it and Janis Ian it up! (Or for those of you who don’t speak Mean Girls=Cut wholes in inapropo places!)

That 70’s Girl: Basically be a hippie! Finally you can put your floral halo to use for more than just Bonnaroo!

            -A floral halo. That Madonna girl makes my favorites but if you want to make your own it’s so easy and there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube!

            -Bellbottom jeans and a crop top or a floral sundress

            -Hair in some sort of braids or just down and straight

            -Your best peace sign (peace and pucker!)

Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad: In honor of Breaking Bad ending *tear :(

            -A hoodie

            -A pair of baggy Jeans


            -Signature ski hat

            -Any graphic tee

            -Maybe a couple of fake bruises and a bag of blue rock candy if you really wanna go all out

She was the Binghamton University Campus Correspondent Spring 2015-Spring 2016. She started writing for Her Campus second semester Freshman year and has loved it ever since! She is now a Binghamton University graduate with a degree in English and minor in History. She is an enthusiastic writer and reader, obsessed with social media, traveling, and ending misogyny. Her two great loves are Harry Potter marathons and sampling cheese. She is excited by the prospect of new challenges and can't wait to dive in and get her hands dirty.
Binghamton Contributor