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More Than A Pretty Face: the Heart of America’s Most Beautiful School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Berry chapter.

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More Than A Pretty Face

Getting to know the heart of America’s most beautiful school


With 27,000 acres of perfectly sculpted landscaping and extravagantly classic architecture, Berry College is recognized across the nation as one of America’s most beautiful college campuses. Sometimes, though, I’m left wondering whether outsiders can see past the aesthetic perfection of the school and appreciate all that it has to offer.


 “Oh, you go to Berry?”  People always ask me. “That’s such a pretty school.”


After numerous conversations ending with an exchange identical or similar to the one above, I find myself thinking: “Well, yeah, but it has a lot more going for it than just being pretty.” Berry has a unique ability to unite students as a community of friends and family, and as a student I have a special place in my heart for everything that Berry has brought into my life. I think it’s time to remind people of everything that Berry has to offer that goes far beyond its stunning campus. Berry is so much more than just a pretty face, and here’s why.


1.Silver and Blue Green?

One thing’s for sure: Berry is proud of its Silver and Blue. But, it doesn’t stop there. The school adds green to its colors through its many sustainability efforts. Berry signed the President’s Climate Commitment to reduce 10% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Students and faculty at Berry partake in these efforts every day as they use the Energy Star appliances that the school purchased, such as washing machines, refrigerators, lighting, and dishwashers.

In addition to minimizing energy usage, Berry gives back to the environment by growing and planting trees on campus and through its campus forest management plan, which earned them recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation as a National Tree Campus USA® in 2014.

Read more about how Berry incorporates green in its school colors here


2. LifeReady

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You may have heard of the LifeReady Campaign that shapes the way students experience Berry, but the term “life-ready” can be used to describe the very nature of the school.  Berry’s academic programs are top-of-the line, and the student work program is the largest in the nation. Students are mentored by professors and alumni as well as offered relevant work experience to make their transition from college to adult-hood painless.


3. Being Berry

Berry isn’t just the name of our school, but the term we use to describe the type of people who make it their home. From athletes and artists to academics and leaders, Berry’s community is full of talented, well-rounded people with a plethora of skills. Berry provides talented students with an environment to grow and morph into driven individuals who use their talents to advance in their profession. More than that, Berry emphasizes importance on servant leadership and using personal talents to give back to the community.


In my experience with people, getting to know a person on the inside often magnifies physical beauty-and my experience at Berry College is no different. Berry’s flawless complexion is undoubtedly an amazing feature of the school, but the essence of the school and what it stands for is what makes it truly great.