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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

All of us have goals that we set for ourselves. These goals may be studying for an upcoming test, hitting our fitness goals, eating healthier, going to bed earlier, or reading more – the list goes on and on! If you’re anything like me, you set many goals for yourself that you fail to accomplish. We may find ourselves struggling to keep the motivation and drive in us to complete our goals. A dream board can be the solution to this!

What is a Dream Board?

A dream board is a collage of pictures that show things you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. What you put on your dream board is catered towards your goals. Want to run a marathon? Put a picture of a finish line. Want to start studying more? Put a picture of good grades. Want to read more? Put a picture of books you want to read. You get the idea! Along with pictures to motivate you towards your goals, you need a motivational quote too. There are so many you can find on Pinterest with a simple “motivational quote” search. Once you find a quote that you find the most inspiring, print it out and put it in the center of your dream board. This will be the central quote of your dream board that will help guide you in accomplishing all of your goals.

What You Need to Make Your Dream Board:

  • Printed pictures/magazine clippings (~20 or as little/as many as you would like!)
  • A motivational quote
  • Glue
  • A plain poster

The instructions are pretty simple. Lay out all of your pictures on the poster and arrange them however you like. Next, glue them down. Then, put your quote in the middle of your dream board and hang it up somewhere where you will see it every day.

Youtuber Amber Scholl has great videos explaining how she makes her dream boards and how they have worked in her life. Amber is an absolute girl boss that makes videos about all things fashion and lifestyle! From watching her videos, you can see the positive impact both hard work and determination have had in her life. When talking about her success, she gives a lot of credit to her dream boards saying that they were a big factor in her accomplishments. Every January she posts a video of her making her new dream board for the upcoming year and lists all of her goals. Something special about these annual videos is that she will show how many things she accomplished on her dream board from the year prior. I would recommend everyone to check out her videos and follow up on her annual dream boards!

Obviously, the dream board isn’t magic. Putting pictures of your goals on a poster is not enough for them to come to life. However, by putting the poster up where you can see it every day, you can begin to work towards accomplishing the goals on it. This is something called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that putting positive energy out in the world will result in positive energy in your life. Therefore, by putting your goals out in the world and working towards them with a positive mindset, you can truly accomplish anything you set your mind to. 

Now, what are you waiting for? Print out pictures of your goals, grab some paper, a glue stick, and make your dream board! It’s time to turn your dreams into a reality!

Hi everyone! My name is Nicole Topanian and I am currently a third-year student at Bentley University. Outside of HC, I am involved in the Bentley Investment Group, Bentley Fashion Club, and the Armenian Student Association. In my free time, I love to hang out with friends, go shopping, practice martial arts, cook, and write. I love to write about all things fashion, lifestyle, food, and school!