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We All Have That Friend: Bridesmaid’s Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Through all of the ups and downs, we have all different types of friends by our sides, which one are you? 

The Clueless Friend

The one who always enjoy a good joke, but sometimes it takes them a few minutes longer to understand it than others.

The Mom

The one who is always a shoulder to cry on, an organized party planner, and always give the best pep talks. 

The Cheapskate

The one who won’t spend any of their money and when they hear something is free they will take it no matter what it is. 

The Partier

The one who always has plans for a Friday and Saturday night and has the most insane stories from their late night adventures. 

The Nosey Friend

The one who thinks your business is also their business.

The Fight Club Friend

The one who always has your back and is willing to stir up some trouble to help you.

The Competitive Friend

The friend no one wants to be on a team with because to them, winning is everything.

The Always Hungry friend

The one who always has a snack in their hand or complains about being hungry 24/7.

The Fame Seeker

The one who always talks about their plans to become famous and/or marry someone famous because they are meant to live that lifestyle. 

The Emotional Friend

The dramatic friend who gets upset easily and always brings a box of tissues to a sad movie.

The Swearing Sailor

The one you’re nervous to bring around your parents incase they say something that may not be appropriate. 

The Sarcastic Friend

The one you can always count on to have a snarky comeback.

The Flirter

The one who never fails to hit on or be hit on by a least one guy by the end of the night.

The Fashionably Late Friend

The one you have to give an earlier time to than everyone else so they will arrive on time, and yet they still manage to show up late.

No matter what type of friend they are, you couldn’t imagine life without them! So call them up, put on your favorite jam and bust a move like the bridesmaids crew.

Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter.