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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Come to the student center, I found a study room!

My desktop is so empty


I have tons of discresh left!


I don’t need a coffee today

I planned out a study schedule to keep myself on track


I’m having a really good hair day

I feel like I’ve been staying really well-hydrated


The library has peaceful and relaxing study vibes


My computer needs to update, I’ll just do it now.

You can take some of my index cards, I’ve hardly used any.


My notes from class are really thorough—I’m so ready for this exam!





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Native New Yorker Brooke Camarda has had her eclectic share of jobs—from the runways of NYFW to the haunted hallways of NYZ Apocalypse. Commonly known by her alter ego of Wonder Woman, there's no task or adventure that the skydiving-enthusiast isn't willing to take on. She loves typography and cappuccinos almost as much as she loves her (very) big family, and is thrilled to be writing for Bentley University's chapter of Her Campus.
Bentley University