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The Search for Sanitary Products

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Do you ever find yourself sitting in class…when that dreaded feeling starts? You know, the feeling in your underwear that means a week of pain, blood, and chocolate? As if it couldn’t get any worse, you don’t have any sanitary products on hand. To top it off, your friends are in class or down in their rooms on lower, and you have nobody to bring you one. Here’s your guide for that moment—when you need to walk around upper campus, trying to find tampons.


La Cava

First Floor: In the usual bathroom on the first floor, there are no sanitary products. However, if you go around the corner and into the bathroom inside the Undergraduate Admissions Offices, you will find what you’re looking for.

Second Floor: There are also two bathrooms on the second floor of La Cava. The one that is on the east side of the building, closer to the library, has no sanitary products. The other bathroom, located just outside of undergraduate career services, does have some products.

Third Floor: Neither of the bathrooms on the third floor of La Cava has sanitary products.



The layout of Lindsay will never cease to confuse me. Most likely, you’ll find yourself on the second floor of this building, where most of its classrooms are. This floor has no bathrooms, for reasons I fail to understand. So, you must either go to the basement or the third flood just to use the bathroom.

Basement: There is a sanitary product machine here in the basement. The machine is obviously old, and it takes money to get products from it—but the administration understands that this is awful and has left it unlocked, so you can open it to get products without paying.

Third Floor: In the female restroom on the third floor, there is a machine that is set up just as the one in the basement. The all-gender restroom here does not have any sanitary products. 



More confusing building layouts. Did you know there’s a ground floor? I got a little lost while doing this. But, if you’re ever stuck in the confusing maze of offices, you will be able to find tampons and pads.

Ground Floor: There is a bathroom on the ground floor that is all-gender. Inside is a machine that is set up like the ones in Lindsay.

First Floor: Both the North and South bathrooms on this floor have machines to get products from. The machines are more recent than other ones on campus; they are set up so that you neither have to pay nor open the machine up.  

Second and Third Floors: Both North and South bathrooms have machines, the same as those on the first floor.



Have I mentioned that I don’t like the way some of the older buildings on campus are set up?

First Floor: In the older section of Morrison, there is a female restroom and an all-gender restroom. Both of these have free machines to get products from. In the new wing of the building, there is another all-gender bathroom that does not have any sanitary products in it.

Second Floor: There is one female restroom on the second floor, and it does have another free machine. In the all-gender bathroom in the new wing, there are no sanitary products.

Third Floor: On the third floor, there is a female restroom that does have sanitary products available. There is also a commuter bathroom that has a full shower—in case your period ever makes that necessary—but also (obviously) for commuter students. In this restroom there is a small box containing, among other things, some tampons. In the new wing all-gender restroom, there are no sanitary products.



All three floors of the library have sanitary products set out in them. They are not in machines, but are the same sort that would be in the machines.



The three main floors of Smith are all set up with fairly large containers of sanitary products set up on the counter tops. The fourth floor (yes, there is a fourth floor of Smith) is set up with a free machine.



Bentley must know that some of its buildings are outdated, because we recently renovated Jennison—formerly known as the “Classroom Building.” Considering the large number of classrooms in this building, you are very likely to find yourself in a class here, in search of a pad. Despite the shiny new floors and pristine white walls of this building, you will not be able to find sanitary products in any of the freshly redone bathrooms. Not in the female restrooms, not in the all gender restrooms, and not even in the restroom with a shower on the first floor, near the science labs.

Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter.