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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

When I see that pumpkin spice latte on the Starbucks menu and Traders Joe’s cinnamon cookies, I know fall is in the air. With our hot girl summer behind us, fall is a fresh season for all of us to focus on our new healthy routines and romanticize every little thing around us, especially at school. If that means you need to stock up on more fuzzy socks and add ten more cozy sweaters to your closet by all means add more. There’s definitely a fun girly energy that comes with summertime, but fall is the perfect season to curl up with a cozy blanket, try a candlelite workout class and live freely through each month. If you’re looking to add more joy and fun to this new season, read on because these are my favorite steps in romanticizing my life this fall.   

Find your signature fall drink

Whether you’re a starbucks or diy coffee loving girl the cozy fall drinks will seriously make your day ten times better. On your way to class or before studying, order your favorite pumpkin spice cold brew or mix up your own warm, sweet and steamed coffee for all the fun fall vibes.  

Change up your cozy decor

Take a drive to your nearest homegoods or target because changing up your decor with the seasons is a must especially in your dorm room. Something about a cozy space will just make you so much happier. Different throw pillows and warm fuzzy blankets are easy pieces that will add comfort and style to your little spaces, twisting your brick dorm walls into your home away from home. Twinkle lights and curtains are also a 10/10 addition to your room. The little lights add a cozy feeling to your space, so you aren’t blinded by the bright lights in the room all day. Light airy curtains are also a simple touch that will enhance your environment and fill the space with warmth. And you can’t forget about the fall scented candles that are a need. The lingering scent of vanilla and pumpkin fills any room with love. Candles are made for cool nights cooking or curled up on the couch, so do yourself a favor and stock up on your favorites. 

Restart favorite shows

The adrenaline and comfort of restarting your fav show is like no other. I have probably rewatched Gilmore Girls 100 times, but every fall I reenter my new Rory Gilmore era. An easy late night watch, Stars Hollow brings all the peaceful energy for the season of autumn. 

Stock up on your perfect sweaters

It’s officially cooler weather which means sweater season is in the air. Sweaters are the style of the season and will be your best friend for the months ahead of us. You can’t go wrong wearing a cozy sweater for class or a little walk outside. To incorporate a different pattern or style, sweaters enhance brisk mornings and radiate cozy comfortable loungewear. 

Uggs, uggs and more uggs 

Those crisp autumn mornings when the leaves are just falling is not the time to put on your stiff heavy sneakers. Uggs are the main event. The selection of platforms to ultra minis or even platform slippers are always calling my name. Pair them with your favorite blue jeans, cozy matching sets and even flair leggings for the days you’re in a hurry. And talk about fun cozy socks with them, there is just nothing better. Uggs are definitely a sell out item, so fall is the perfect time to get your hands on them. 

New season, new routines

Your hot girl summer routine may not be the same as the brisk air approaches us. From skincare, workout, to sleep schedules, fall is the perfect time to freshen up your daily routines. Since it won’t be 80 degrees everyday it’s the perfect time to go for that walk you’ve been craving or bring out your pilates era. At night try an at home workout, roll out your yoga mat, turn on your cute twinkle lights and just romanticize the time spent inside. You might also need to change up your skincare products because cooler weather brings drier skin and that’s where your new richer, hydrating moisturizer will be a necessity. Getting back into these healthy routines also requires a consistent sleep schedule. After summertime our sleep can be a little off track. Try stretching or reading a book to calm your mind before bedtime, with shorter days ahead of us sleep should be your #1 priority. 

Ciera Howard

Bentley '26

My name is Ciera and I'm from Ocean City, New Jersey. I'm currently the HerCampus Social Media Shadow. My favorite things to write about are wellness, fashion and beauty. When I'm not writing I love going to pilates, spending time with friends and playing tennis. Follow me on Instagram @cierahoward_