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Real Live College Guy Gio: How Many Snapchats Are Too Many?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Ah yes, the age old question, “How many Snapchats are too many?” Whether you are snapping a selfie of you “just getting out of bed,” “bored at class,” or, for the daring, “just getting out of the shower (insert wink face here),” you have to be careful as to how many Snapchats you send out to that lucky lad.

I can’t speak for all college guys out there, but I can make pretty accurate guess that most of them enjoy Snapchatting with a girl throughout the day. However, unless you two are exclusive, sending too many Snapchats at one time can give him the message that you are either a) desperate or b) desperate.

Take Ryan for example. Ryan is a student at Penn State who recently started talking to a lucky lady in his chem class. Great for them, right? “We hit it off,” says Ryan, “but she is starting to seem a little clingy. She Snapchats me all the time. Even if I don’t answer.” Like most college guys, Ryan is afraid of commitment. Well, he’s afraid of the idea of a commitment. Most guys wouldn’t mind being in a relationship, but it’s a delicate process. Guys can often get cold feet when a girl tries too hard. The key is to act interested in him without making it seem like your life is on hold because you want to talk to him.

I guess the moral of the story is to try and “snap” on a 1:1 ratio. For every snap he sends you, send him one back. It’s almost encouraged to snap him first; guys love when a girl shows that she’s interested in him.

Also, don’t think too much into it if your snap is opened, but not replied to immediately. We males are forgetful creatures and most of us have the attention span of a gerbil. On the other end, guys don’t want to seem desperate either. If he is into you, he will snap you back. It may not be that second, or even that hour, but he will snap you back; that’s a definite.

Snapchatting can be fun, flirty, and even sexy. But remember, nobody wants to be known as “the Snapchat wh*re.” Just something to think about. Happy Snapping!


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Bentley University