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Primark is a Hit with College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Affordable and Quality Products: Primark is a Hit with College Students

If you haven’t heard of Primark yet, you’re missing out. Similar to Forever 21, this European based company opened its first store in America on September 10th, 2015. After hearing about this store over social media for years, it’s exciting to finally have easy access to one. 

My first trip to Primark was overwhelming. Even weeks after their opening, there was a line of people waiting to get in for their first taste of the 4 floor, 77,000-square-foot store. My first thought: is this heaven?!

Every floor in Primark is stuffed full with anything you can possibly think of. The first floor is primarily composed of women’s clothing. Moving up a level and you hit the accessories, athletic clothing and a shoe collection to die for.  The third floor of Primark is filled with men’s clothing and the last level has home goods, pajamas, and children’s clothing. 

Not only does Primark offer something for everyone, but the clothing is affordable and good quality. Scarfs for $3? A shirt for $10? Primark is every college student’s dream, offering cheap, well made clothes.

If you’re wondering where you can find this chic, worldwide fashion retailer, it is literally steps away from the Downtown Crossing T Station. The giant 4 floor building is located on 10 Summer Street across from Macy’s and is hard to miss with its stylish exterior. Take a trip to Primark and check out the great things it has to offer!

Hello! Bentley '19
Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter.