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Louis Boisvert, ‘15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.



Louis Boisvert is a campus cutie on and off the soccer field,although he is out this season due to medical reasons,. Last season this stud was quite the starter with five goals and one assist. Between class and soccer practice you can find him hanging out with friends playing FIFA, going for a sail or singing along to the latest new hits! Look for this cutie sporting number 18 next season!


Name: Louis Boisvert

Hometown: South Windsor, CT

Graduation Year: 2015

Major/Minor/LSM: Accounting Major

Campus Involvements: Men’s Soccer

Interests: Sailing, tennis, watching movies


Inside Details

Describe yourself in 3 words: Friendly, Helpful, and Athletic

Any secret talents?: I’m a pretty good singer.

What would be your dream job?: Something that allows me to travel all over the world.

If  Mad Falcon had a sandwich named after you, what would it be called?: The Sweet Lou



Favorite place in the world: Australia where my family lives

Favorite Bentley memory or experience: Winning NE-10 conference, soccer rookie of the week.

Favorite song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen


Love, Love, Love

What would you like to do on your ideal date?: Go out for a sail.

What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend?: A smart, beautiful, funny girl.

Relationship Status: Single


Bentley University