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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

On November 3rd, 2018 Kappa Delta was officially installed at Bentley University and is now the fourth Panhellenic sorority. Bentley has been talking about having a new sorority join Panhellenic for years now, so after over a year of planning and organizing, it finally came together on Saturday. Kappa Delta initiated their founding class of 61 women with the help of the National Council. Tricia Ruma Spence and Susan Stockton, President and Vice President of Kappa Delta National Council respectively, spoke to the values of Kappa Delta and what the new sisterhood will provide for all of these new members. New members went through initiation early in the morning and then were invited to installation afterwards as a celebration. Family, friends, and Kappa Deltas from local chapters joined the newly initiated members at this event.


As the founding class of Kappa Delta at Bentley University, they received gifts from the oldest and youngest chapters in the state.  Brooke Holdgate, Kappa Delta Theta Tau’s President, received a gavel from headquarters and accepted all of the other gifts such as the charter, loving and baby cups.  Lunch was served as speakers presented their happiness for the Theta Tau chapter and how proud they are of the new members. There are now 167 installed Kappa Delta chapters throughout the United States. Being a Kappa Delta means being confident in yourself and always building confidence in others. It was a great event to display what it truly means to be a Kappa Delta.






Images: courtesy of Bentley SP&E

Melissa is President and Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Bentley University.  She is a senior majoring in Marketing and minoring in Spanish and Psychology.  Melissa studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain!  In her free time, she loves to read, write, play tennis, volunteer, and spend time with family and friends.  You'll usually find her exploring new places and restaurants and then writing articles about them!       
Allison Weed

Bentley '20

Allison Weed is a senior at Bentley University. She is majoring in Marketing with minors in Information Design and Corporate Communication, and International Affairs. She is the President and Campus Correspondent of the Bentley University Her Campus Chapter.