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Here’s to Being Thankful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.


“I hate the Bentley Mountain.”
“Seasons was just GREAT today…”
“Didn’t get ANY classes from registration… Again.”
“35 degrees outside, -10 degrees inside of Jennison.”
We all do it. We don’t mean to… but it happens. We fall into the deep, dark hole of complaints on a daily basis. The good news is that Thanksgiving is now just days away and that means we finally have a time to remember what we are thankful for. 
As Bentley Collegiettes, we often forget how truly fortunate we are (how am I fortunate taking GB?!), but for this upcoming season we need to sit down and remember everything we are really truly thankful to have. Sure, Seasons doesn’t have the best food around, and maybe we still sweat in the middle of a blizzard when we walk up to class but we all get to attend an awesome school with a great reputation and gorgeous campus. 
Thanksgiving is the beginning of many of our favorite holiday seasons. We get the opportunity to recall the past, reminisce on the good times and the bad, and plan for the changes that we have to come. Here are a few reasons why our Her Campus staff is thankful this season! Please take the time to leave a comment and why you are also thankful this season, you’ll be glad you did!
 “I am thankful for being able to go home and having my whole family together and all healthy!”- Anne Citarelli
“I’m thankful for friends that pick up the phone whether they’re across the Greenspace or 3,000 miles away.” –Ali Kane
“I’m thankful for my friends, family, and my boyfriend. No matter how stressed or upset I am they are always there for me and make it better.”- Jessica Jacovino 
“I’m thankful for my new friends at Bentley and my family back home!”- Julia Paradis
“I am so thankful for the family I have. They support me and have always encouraged me to do anything I want because I can do anything I want. My mom, dad, and brother are my biggest fans. I have some of the greatest friends. My mom is my best friend and I could never live without her. They help me up when I fall, they are there for me when I have had good and bad days, and are the people I can be myself with and we have a blast! I am thankful for my health and all of the amazing opportunities I have had like going to college and traveling the world.”- Emily Fiorito
“I am thankful to be surrounded by such a great support system. My family is the greatest and has been nothing but an encouragement in every decision I make. I am also beyond thankful for the friends I have, both at school and home. I was always told, ‘A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.’ and I live by this every day of my life. Through the ups and downs, having friends and family there to support you has never been a better feeling. – Jessica Vella
 “I am thankful for my family, friends, and dog Maggie. I am also super thankful for the holiday of Thanksgiving since it (my mom) provides me with the most delicious meal of the year. Yeah I love turkey and cranberry sauce that much.”- Rachel Slutsky
“I’m thankful for the great people in my life. My family and friends mean the world to me!”- Maria Vasiladis
As for me, I’m thankful for our Her Campus ladies, along with an awesome school that will help me reach my dreams. Oh, and did I mention I get to go home to my puppy, family and friends this Thanksgiving?! We here at Her Campus hope you’re holidays are full of love and hope that you really take the time to remember what you’re thankful for!
Bentley University